

That’s part of it. In baking, it’s all about manipulating proteins. Refrigerating dough lets the gluten relax. Depending on the ratio of sugar/ baking soda or powder/ butter /eggs and flour, and how much you mixed it / what temperature you bake at for how long will change the outcome. Heck, even the way you measure

Oh we’re on the other coast so maybe that’s it then? She likely qualified for subsidized daycare, too, considering that my parents divorced early on.

Oh love. I appreciate that you get it. And I totally understand about the school thing - even smart kids are struggling because bureaucracy has fucked up what needed help to begin with. Good luck with your big-little ones. My nephew is the same age and a total ass-hat, too, so you’re not alone. Maybe it’s a phase.

AAHHHHHHHHHH I’m due in January and you totally just grossed me out.

That is just Nuts.

Did you get prepped food, or make it yourself? I found that the food cost was where I had the most effect. We can make everything ourselves so we cut the cost of food in parties by more than 60%. Consider a pizza party comparison:

Yeah, it does suck. In many ways, too. Like dealing with emotional aftershocks that occur when our kid is doing something we did as kids - and dealing with the crazy feelings that come from breaking the chain of abuse. Suuuuuuuucks!

Nice! Mine is still in toddler age so sitting for more than 5 minutes doesn't happen, unless he's sick or tired. But maybe a movie-themed party at our house with all the same and a favorite Disney movie on the tv? Great idea! Thanks!

I’m glad I asked. I figured as much as happened: that birthday party prices have skyrocketed everywhere just like daycare and clothing, and everything except wages since the 1970’s.

Lol- we eat “leftovers” every night at our house. We don’t cook every meal, every day, but when we do, we make more than enough. 1/2 gets frozen (for fast thaw meals) and 1/2 gets eaten right then and/or put in the fridge. The reminders (usually another portion or two) goes in the fridge and then we have options.


I WISH chuck e cheese was still easy. You can’t throw a birthday party at that place, or anywhere else, for less than $200. I’m all, hells no. It’s a lot of prep and clean up to do a house party, but at least it doesn’t cost me as much. Were parties that expensive back in the day?

I'm one of those parents who doesn't allow their kids to spend unsupervised time at either grandparents house - but in our case, our parents were either abusive, neglectful, or abused substances. (One still does.) So it makes sense for us. But I envy people with living, loving family who are able and want to spend

For reals. I know of the medical trials that were done on POC in the south, but I didn't know about all the forced sterilizations, too. I feel myself humbled for not knowing and fucking mad at my country for atrocities against human rights. And sad, because I don't know what to do to fix it. Wtf, America.

Ahahahahahha that’s hilarious!! I’d be lying if I said I didn’t wish I could. Especially when I’m all rage-angry. That would be the shit.

SHHHHH pipe down, before they hear you!

Likewise for Weathervane and American Eagle. I hate how all the good, outdoorsy brands turned into skinny-ass tweeny-bop clothes for rich kids.

I second LotteryTicket’s statement. I’d love a Mme President, but I think Bernie is the better option. Mme President may have to wait until Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) decides to run. Or someone like her.

LOL i was thinking the same thing - those purple carrots just stick out like crooked fingers and such. Everything else is okay, but the carrots need to go!! ::tears::