
In Season 6, they pre-taped an ending where both Adore and Bianca shared the crown (despite Bianca statistically having a far better record), but I think this season would be more worthy of having two joint winners, two queens who represent and consistently nail two different dimensions of drag.

For all of Oliver's talk about Max's artifice, it seemed like Ginger Minj was far guiltier of deceit and fakery overall. Pretending she couldn't dance or sew, acting like her shady comments were out of a place of love, and several moments of unjustified Untucked vitriol… it did get to the point where I wasn't sure

Ginger is a solid performer, but of her three wins, the John Waters one was the only one I felt she earned. Her outfits are bland, especially when you see queens like Violet and Katya consistently killing the looks and attitudes on the runway. And unlike Jinkx, she hasn't shown any ambitious looks so far or the

Ginger picked Sasha first in the Glamazonian Airlines Challenge. I assume that had everything to do with friendship.

In an interview, Katya mentions being nervous when she found out Miss Fame was competing too. Probably more famous in the drag circuit.

There's enough random stuff that goes on with editing every season, and it's not JUST Max who says it, so I believe her when I say that corset/song was an editing trick designed to give more justification for her departure. Hell, Jinkx won her season and she admits that editing played a part. Still, not a good

It all seems too random to be anything other than Editing Bay Cutting Room Fuckery. If Max did it because of a subconscious reason of being ready to go home, I think she'd have admitted as much on Twitter.

If so, that might explain why she was so hesitant to do the tan parody, since it would have used her look for this challenge. Considering she made up something on the fly, it still looks a lot more stylish than what Ginger and Kennedy wore this week.

Darienne Lake came to the show with a small mental binder full of jokes and quips that weren't going to be used organically but she tried using them anyways.

I'm concerned that Ru putting too much emphasis on the lip sync has resulted in some of the stronger personalities leaving this season. Even the good queens, All-Star caliber queens, had their bad weeks. What if Alaska wound up in the Bottom 2 during Week 3 her season, facing off against Coco Montrese? What if Adore

Max and Pearl winning seemed fine to me, although it didn't seem like a forced Pearl redemption arc more so than "this team averaged slightly better than the other four teams." They felt more natural as a pair than Katya/MKD and Ginger/Kandy. Two of their lines made it into the Stray Observations ("Last but certainly

We've been GIVEN Violet being picked last by the teams, Violet ordering Pearl to tighten her belt even more in the Glamazon challenge, Violet snapping back at Lucian Piane during the music video challenge, and Violet bitching about her teammates in confessionals. All those shown things amount to something.