My opinion is as valid as everyone else's, especially including the guy who were promoting a TV show at the time of his statement.
My opinion is as valid as everyone else's, especially including the guy who were promoting a TV show at the time of his statement.
Honestly, I think Martin is so humbled by the mainstream attention he is garnering in his silver years that he's liable to say just about anything at this point.
Well, if you're interested in discussion, perhaps you shouldn't outright dismiss their opinions as bearing no weight, simply because you disagree with them.
I don't agree with the casting of this show. I won't "get over it" simply because you disagree with me. Condescend elsewhere.
The only well cast character in this show is still Arya Stark. Everyone else is played by people 20 years older than in the books. It's like a Game of Geriatrics.
"Why It Failed Then: Dark Angel was an action/sci-fi show with a female lead."
Florida is popularly called the wang of America, yet Florida is not an actual wang.
The only reason this is getting adapted is because of the springboard effect from the Twilight movies, which is where a lot of my disinterest stems from.
Ah, Peter F. Hamilton. Or, as he's known in my household, the shelf-bender.
An appropriate homage then.
The Lord of the Rings is one novel, in three volumes. It's not considered a trilogy.
You forgot the middle volume, A Period of Procrastination.
Well, ME2 solved this dilemma by replacing most of the core cast. And from the promos I know at least one additional crew member with whom you can engage romantically is being added.
Well, Wrex is dead too in my timeline. I shot him in the head for having mixed loyalties in the mission where his race were trying to get cured of their biologically altered genocide gene thing. In the first game.
1) He's not wrong. The throne room climax is the high point of the franchise.
I doubt it. She's already dead in my timeline. If Bioware is going to spend resources implementing new romance subplots in ME3, it'll likely predominantly be with characters that have been unable to die so far in the franchise, or new characters.
Nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
The changes may be according to his vision, but that doesn't mean they improve the movies.
This is the kind of movie that should come with a six pack of beer.
One of the great appeals of Aeon Flux is that it doesn't adhere to lists like this.