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I don't think The Dead Zone TV show had much to do with the Cronenberg film. It was loosely based on the Stephen King book that inspired both said properties, but had its own tone and storylines set apart from either of them.
Tooms! What are you doing?
Back to the comics. I like it.
I guess this is what inevitably happens when stuff gets adapted to TV/movies. Annoying.
You're missing out on a cash cow. Not much else.
I saw Spiderman 3. It was pretty bad. But I also saw Spiderman 2, which is probably my favorite superhero movie of recent times.
No Bruce - no go.
To me it just seems like they're doing stuff vaguely differently just to be able to say that they did, and thus justify a reboot.
Willing to bet that all the Norwegians die first.
Can't remember that scene, but lots of low grade surveillance footage is black and white, even now, let alone 25 years ago.
I don't need the books in a convenient timeframe for me. However, I would like the books to actually be published in his and my lifetime, which considering how long we had to wait for the fifth novel, I think is a potential concern.
Pretty sure his creative process isn't affected in any positive way by retreading water or being a workhorse for the studio execs.
Yeah, that's the thing that scares me. Wasting his time on that show when, empirically speaking, it could take him the better part of a decade to write the remainder of the book series even without such distractions.
How old is he by now?
But "Jaws" is a much better movie title than "Mouth-hole".
You know the true mettle of the Hollywood movie industry when a project being scrapped is greater cause for celebration than a project getting picked up.
It's only pointless until it becomes imperative for your survival, and since the show is dedicated to showing you how to survive in the wild, I don't get how it's pointless.
You just listed most of the best characters.