@CoffinDodger (If the typos crap. Blame my keyboard): I would have liked to believe the reason the bible was used in the movie was it's cultural significance instead of fervent preaching or overplayed christian baloney. Can't quite get there though!
@CoffinDodger (If the typos crap. Blame my keyboard): I would have liked to believe the reason the bible was used in the movie was it's cultural significance instead of fervent preaching or overplayed christian baloney. Can't quite get there though!
@CoffinDodger (If the typos crap. Blame my keyboard): I think you might have missed my extremely obvious attempt at humor.
@kelz: Well, I don't think religion is helpful in any situation. I think its a grave error believing religion to bring some kind of elevated purpose to humankind. Man should put his faith in man, not in bearded magical fantasy beings that our ancestors of limited means and knowledge created to provide their existence…
@CoffinDodger (If the typos crap. Blame my keyboard): I'm not sure where the personal attacks were in my post. You seem to be the one indulging in those. I'm not sure you're in a position to judge whether I enjoy life or not, but if you are, please read my fortune for 2011. I'm a Leo.
Looks like something from the early 90s with a shoestring budget.
@NotGodot: If you're going to be rude and insulting, at least back up your views with some arguments.
@GamerKT: It actually improved the title of the movie.
@NotGodot: Anyone believing Pixar movies to not have anything to offer adults has to be devoid of humanity.
@CoffinDodger (If the typos crap. Blame my keyboard): I could not disagree with you any more than I do.
@amaya57: If that's wrong, I don't want to be right.
I liked it. And I appreciated how it had the guts to be a little more dystopian than simply being camp. And the chicks in it... Oh man.
@Doctor Insano: You're out of control!
I'm sorry to say this, I know people go nutso over this steampunk stuff, but the premise of The Bluntline Special is perhaps the dumbest thing I've ever read.
The script sounds as cruddy and generic as the set pic of the new Dredd suit looks.
@Cribbage Left: Nonsense. Dino Riders were an accurate depiction of prehistoric life.
@syafiqjabar of Mars: Those are beautiful. I wish my old G1 Transformers looked like that.
@SkipMurphey: It's called a receding hairline. Some day, if you're lucky, you might get one too!
I would be as upset if they hired Espenson to write the reboot. She and Noxon ruined the show for me, at least seasons 4 through 6. (With the exception of the Whedon-helmed episodes of those seasons).
That Buffy reboot broad is off her rocker. The things she mentions were what Buffy the TV show was about.