
there are racing games where the AI competes based on difficulty levels. most games have that. rubber banding makes every race a coin toss. then, uneven item distribution that frequently bumps a great 1st place racer into fucking 8th randomizes things further. skill and an element of chance. not chance and an element

Truly revelatory! My own data suggests that Overwatch players also like breathing air and aren’t big fans of being on fire.

finally, inclusion of the features that priced me out of the console market by forcing me to re-buy a console if i want to play the best and most frame-stable version of a game. wonderful. 100% never buying another console. it’s a huge waste of money. less value than a pc, will either have to wait for ‘pro’ consoles

“most of them” citation please.

it’s almost like when you buy a 3DS, iphone, android, whatever, you’re paying a hardware rental fee and not a set price for permanently owning an item and using it as you please. or something. but thank god for apple for teaching its contemporaries that people will still buy your shit even if you treat them like some

i didn’t have any interest in the Teds, or anything I can recall that he did since seasons 1ish-3ish of family guy, but i feel like he’s onto something here. i’m gonna give it a chance.

he’s a writer and the game centrally revolves around alan wake the writer. i loved the way it was narrated as you went

whew. i was honestly concerned that this was going to be about tebow getting a position with the trump administration

it’s a pretty cool narrative experience and the gameplay is pretty unique and interesting. though AW is its own thing, i feel like you can use whether or not you liked max payne to determine whether or not you’d find AW appealing. it’s also got a pretty heavy twin peaks vibe sprinkled over it.

even though an insane pointless thing like this happens, pirating is still morally evil and bad, definitely.

armor is the only thing that’s worth chasing down. and it’s annoying enough to switch between that i just wore climbing gear 100% of the time. (except for lynel hunting, where i put on the barbarian set, since you’d break slightly fewer weapons that way.)

i still feel like, instead of shrines everywhere, have perhaps, a cave near eldin with fire enemies, and puzzles that utilize lava flow or something. acquire dodongos boots in one such challenge room/cave/whatever, which better helps you traverse terrain in the region.

the difference for me is the lack of dungeons, mini dungeons, etc in favour of only samey-looking shrines and predictable (spirit orb) or disposable (everything except armor which isn’t that useful outside of the climbing armor) rewards. it isn’t focus on rewards so much as it feeling like “i could find the orb, find

i’m seeing more and more of this lately. the game is huge, but it doesn’t have a soul.

i enjoyed bits and pieces, but yeah, you’re right overall, i think. the game focuses on overworld mysteries, but every single one leads to a shrine. where’s the mystery? where’s the variation? the NPCs are mostly boring loafing dipshits and you rarely get anything from the bland fetch quests they usually give, except

i loved dragon age inquisition but i have no qualms about calling it a bad game. i feel like it should have been way better and had extremely frustrating hangups and flaws. i think it’s reasonable to review negatively with many hours played in some cases.

drinking bud light qualifies as a pre-existing condition, you fucking murderous goomba motherfuckers

life has become a video game. the democrats’ response is almost as bad. hey, a bunch of people are gonna die, but we might score some points in the midterms! go team! na na na na hey hey hey, goodbye! this is fucking SURREAL.

please update game.

good numbers. i’m kinda starting to come around and see a glimmer of hope. but i’m still not actually optimistic. they’re honeymooning and the numbers on selection of games are still abysmal, especially for a honeymoon period.