
it doesn’t solve that problem because it’s just as likely to come into play when position 1 and 2 are neck and neck. and when i’m multiplaying, i don’t care about rubber banding. I’d just like to play a fun cute racing game. a game. not a slot machine. if they created a tough but viable blue shell dodge? then i’m

atlus: it was never our intention to do the thing we discussed and spent money on, then decided to do. that was never our intention. to do the complicated shitty thing we did for weeks. we didn’t mean to. yuh huh. how about actual restitution instead of a “we got caught and publicly shamed” apology for once? free dlc

i finished botw and was happy with the game, but unhappy with it as a zelda game. because ganon is just a cloud of energy, and as a villain, that’s... not interesting. the main quest lines were really disappointing, especially after spending like 60+ hours fetching crap to upgrade armor and doing cute but ultimately

same. tried the maze briefly, then had a “hmmmmm” moment, then an “ah-hah” moment. that was a cool moment, but i bet that one was intended. it’s just a bit too obvious not to have been, i think.

i skimmed a bit to avoid spoilers as i’m like 70 hours in without having done much main quest at all, but that’s a gripe i have with the game.

valid problem, valid commentary, everything. but the grammar and spelling and stream of consciousness in the original post was so bad that i can’t actually process the issue as fully as I might be able to otherwise. you never know when a post will blow up. double check your stuff for spelling!

SUNSET RIDERS. only sunset riders. the other games can go suck eggs. even the good/great ones. eggs for the lot of ‘em.

christ just call it MK9. re-selling an old game as a selling point on a new console instead of focusing on just.. making a new game seems sketchy and pointless to me. but EA Sports does much worse year over year.

loved the writeup, excited to get into the show. one thing i took issue with - Shadow never came off as a sadsack to me. your description of TV-Shadow actually seemed to aptly describe my impression of book-shadow in quite a few ways. interesting personal perspective thing. that said, i haven’t finished the book yet.

with respect, and completely in the spirit of humour, i can’t stop giggling about “time laps” :)

skyrim came out almost 5 years ago. i don’t think that’ll really function as a benchmark either. if they still simultaneously releasing 3rd party multiplatform games on the Switch *and* they run smoothly *and* they don’t have obviously uglier graphics *and* they don’t have functionality cut out. if those things,

i think testing graphics side by side for a lego game is kinda... not useful. suppose that’s just my opinion. settings and optimization tweaks by the developer could probably get the ps3 or x360 versions looking almost as good as either of these.

fair enough. i haven’t played it yet, so i can only spit out hypotheticals

you ever watch a pixar movie? *shrug* it’s not that shocking, really. different people care about different things and a story, even a videogamekitsch story, provides context that makes a game feel less like a series of disconnected arbitrary challenges.

zelda still. after, DE mankind divided. after, me andromeda. after, horizon, dishonored2, nier. like, holy shit. i am way behind.

late last year through early this year, i finished FC and SC. I’m so excited. i haven’t touched cold steel yet, but i did buy the first one on ps3. i’ll likely ignore it and just get a PC copy now. this is all really good news. and surprising really good news.

oh. well. that’ll save me a few bucks. every time a publisher/company/whomever does this and i hear about it, i back away. part of what i love about gaming is that the legal system is still behind enough that we’re not living in the same RIAA/MPAA nightmare-zone we’re stuck in if we want to watch, share, or experience

that’s 100% proven demonstrable bullshit. find me an artist who’s filed a copyright complaint who isn’t already wealthy. you should be able to find several, if “artists won’t get paid,” given that torrenting and illegal streaming is still running rampant. i doubt you’ll find more than a few, if any.

your entire laptop argument where you cited “facts” were a bunch of subjective unprovable opinions you worked out with your own laptop. one among many thousands of configurations with varying price points.

your entire laptop argument where you cited “facts” were a bunch of subjective unprovable opinions you worked out

note: negativity and criticism often get mixed up. sometimes it’s my tone, sometimes it’s other peoples’ perception of my tone. i criticize because i want to see mistakes corrected. i, like you, hope nintendo does succeed. i’m worried that they won’t, is all. anyhow, it wasn’t my intention to be a dick, though that

note: negativity and criticism often get mixed up. sometimes it’s my tone, sometimes it’s other peoples’ perception