
i’m half being flippant, but the vita gives it a run for its money in terms of power - off-TV gaming. smaller screens max out quickly in visible resolution changes. and the portable aspect, i think is undercut by the fact that they used plastic for the screen, and don’t provide a carrying case. i know that’s industry

i’m half being flippant, but the vita gives it a run for its money in terms of power - off-TV gaming. smaller

it was like 15 minutes of trying to come to a consensus because i see patterns i’ve seen before and expect the switch to fail. it’s criticism. write it off if you want. fine. but seriously. take a look at what you just posted until you regret it. it’ll come, if you invest enough time and thought.

it was like 15 minutes of trying to come to a consensus because i see patterns i’ve seen before and expect the

i JUST had several of these realizations like 20 minutes ago ahaha. very similar path of reasoning except i also found a shrine boss one ... panel(?) from the opening plateau and it took 8 minutes of dodge+parry before i got one-shotted. game over. reload. 8 minutes down. thing was down half health. 15 minutes to

portability is a gimmick that’ll be matched before Nintendo has 10 exclusive games worth playing on the Switch, and sales numbers are nowhere close to ps4/xb1. you can’t compare N to N and act like launch sales matter. the wiiU did respectably well (not as well obv) at launch also. it still got burned by a lack of

portability is a gimmick that’ll be matched before Nintendo has 10 exclusive games worth playing on the Switch, and

the launch numbers are mediocre at best. they’re nowhere close to other current gen consoles. the WiiU didn’t do a ton worse than the switch in its opening. it fell off because it had no third party support, and even the first party games except for maybe mario kart were underwhelming. mario 3d land was leagues behind

the launch numbers are mediocre at best. they’re nowhere close to other current gen consoles. the WiiU didn’t do a

not really on-purpose trolling. just confused by the hype and looking to make sense of it.

not really on-purpose trolling. just confused by the hype and looking to make sense of it.

the portability is a gimmick that’s been matched by low-mid tier gaming laptops for literal decades. advances in streaming tech has me wondering if we’ll see wifi remote play options over PSN/XBLive before the next console generation, without having to lug fragile hardware around (which doesn’t even come with a

the portability is a gimmick that’s been matched by low-mid tier gaming laptops for literal decades. advances in

no. sales and common sense back me up though. beyond BotW (available with equal function on the WiiU. Developed for the WiiU. Not a true Switch game) and multiplatform indies, what’s out? how many switch games do you own that you couldn’t play on your old laptop, or your PS3 or PS4/XB equivalents?

no. sales and common sense back me up though. beyond BotW (available with equal function on the WiiU. Developed for

from the jaws of which victory? zelda? it’s a ported wiiU game and it’s the only thing worth playing on the switch until mario odyssey. the switch is literally the exact same as the wiiU at the moment, but without as much eshop content because reasons i guess. gimmick + a good first party game + assorted shovelware

from the jaws of which victory? zelda? it’s a ported wiiU game and it’s the only thing worth playing on the switch

my PS+ expired a few months ago and i’ve been waiting for something useful to justify handing over like $60 for another year. the discounts are bullshit. i refuse to pay a membership fee that gets me rates on games that STILL sell at a profit. i don’t play much online, if ever, and unless you’re playing quite a bit,

gonna avoid looking due to spoilers, but this sentence made me laugh and giggle a whole bunch and I wanted to point out that your writing apparently amuses me:

keep us posted. if the single player campaign isn’t ~4 hours and there’s actually some kind of storyline, narrative, or choices (that actually affect missions/gameplay/levels) maybe i’ll play. i love ww2 stuff, but good grief am i sick of this multiplayer cancer. even overwatch. shit be like candy crush advanced, but

yes. this is all totally relevant. your corporate entity’s brand will be tarnished if you don’t keep an eye out for ‘working class’ millionaires.

it’s also available on the wiiU. ooooof!

when you say “fix things” what you actually mean is that it would “undermine my attempt to troll the 5-10 people who skimmed over this comment.”

all of this, so close to st. patty’s day. st. patty. patty patty patty. ahahahaha, please don’t kill me *too* much, internet.

yeah. buying used is my go-to in these situations. i’ve got enough of a backlog that i don’t need to buy anything on day 1. this game honestly sounds pretty cool up front. but i will not support games that noticeably work microtransactions into their games. so yeah. maybe used, in a month or two. we’ll see.

oh. might’ve bought this. now, won’t.

DA:I was an MMO in single player campaign form. from the aesthetic to the fetch quests. the main story was... weak. character development and your companions were largely uninteresting, and on consoles, you got that awful plastic-face syndrome.

gambling is horrible. it’s either a cash sink, or you run up against pros who run the math and make a career out of taking money from idiots. either way, it’s a miserable thing. it’d be great if all legal gambling maxed out at $100 in losses/month and totals were linked to some kind of government issued ID. but