....is that sarcasm? Cycling is far and away has more cheaters per capita than any other sport.
....is that sarcasm? Cycling is far and away has more cheaters per capita than any other sport.
Because these people have done nothing but cause people harm. They outed a gay guy for no reason. They got so involved in that faux Rolling Stone rape case that Anna “Piece of Human Trash” Merlan and Sam “White Fag Knight” Biddle should probably be getting sued right along with Rolling Stone. These people are…
Do not go to court with immortals. Does not end well.
Not with this guy around!!!!
They did the same thing to arizona back in like 1990. They said if zona didn't pass a bill declaring MLK day a holiday they would get the Super Bowl taken away. The voters failed to pass the measure and the NFL moved the Super Bowl to the rose bowl. I believe it was the Bills/Giants game.
Don’t fuck with immortals. Hulkamania will live forever. Gawker....maybe another few weeks! Burn hipsters burn!!!
I can’t believe how he acted. I wonder if he knew they had zero chance? It got really, really bad with both of them.
Years? 2 years max until appeal. Gawker will get crushed, again. They used Hogan’s image to make a shitload of money, and defied a court order to take it down. This isn’t about the first amendment. Gawker made a profit off of a sex tape recorded without someone’s consent. Quite a bit of a profit. Now that profit…
Daulerio got hammered. It was really, really ugly. That question was a bit of an outlier...Gawker came across as really, really ignorant throughout this whole trial.
I don’t. I just finished watching the entire trial...Hogan’s lawyer was on another level the entire time. Gawker got annihilated. They claimed under oath that Denton “maybe” knew that the video got posted. Cases like this are why people settle out of court for 50 million before hand. The juror question was odd but a…
Try this one with the sound all the way up. I’ll miss you the most Tim. (really)
Reddit! All the same stories, just a day earlier!
They had no problem bitching about their lawyers when they outed a gay guy for no reason and they were forced to take down the story....