
...except he’s actually from New Zealand, which rightly considers itself a much more civilized place.

Or, he could just be from Australia, former prison colony and place where prime ministers shotgun beers and curse.

I feel bad for the dude. He probably is dyslexic; I’ve known a number of dyslexics who’ve used their difficulties with reading (and often with numbers, as well—digit flipping is common) as a motivator for activities like music, (visual) art, and sports.

Maybe it has stuff about cars in it.

It’s a ghostwritten autobiography. Just like hundreds of other books, every year.

So it’s a biography, and not an autobiography, then.

Or my white-trash neighbors who tried to taunt my Vietnamese friends by yelling Spanish at them.

My grandfather is Puerto Rican, and I’m basically just a white dude. Several times growing up I’d have some dumb kid call me a “Mexican” as an insult. I was always just kinda perplexed: It was neither accurate nor insulting.

Your analogy is off.

This is a guy who picked up a tennis racket, ping pong paddle, badminton racket and a lacrosse stick and has dominated in 3 out of 4 or those, while doing decently in the fourth.

Yeah, greatest player of the modern era is definitely earned.

I dunno, “greatest fighting game player of the modern era”?

Me this entire article and watching these fights.

Wait...I’m like 100% certain this song was on the “Ready to Die” album and not “8 Mile”.

I mean, it looks cool, but the move is just pushing two buttons, and the frame window is actually not that short to counter. This happens in the game all the time.

Sell your car, put your kid up for adoption and move into a hostel. Easy peasy!

These articles don’t serve much purpose to actually helping people with financial stability.

It’s not even that it’s “not fun”, it’s that it’s not possible when you have one income, a student loan, a kid, a car payment, rent that is NOT shared with three other people, and other responsibilities.

These kinds of articles are always like this. Don’t do anything fun, live with three other people, don’t buy anything new, work every second you’re awake. And if I could pay off my debt in just one year, yeah, I’d do all that, but for most people that is just not doable.

Isn’t this the kind of article where the author needs to disclose whether they have any vested interest in the aforementioned holdings?

I dont know what it is, but I have such an issue with serial dating. I mean, whatever works for you, great. But in my personal experiences the people I know that serial date are...STILL SERIAL DATING. Like the second I hear that a girl goes on 2-3 dates a week, that’s going to be an immediate no for me dawg. It just

I kinda want a version of that article on parents though. I feel my dad has the potential for loving gaming. He’s passionate about technology, he’s really smart (doctor in history and university teacher) and he used to play early PC games back in the day. But it seems I can never pitch the right game for him. He

offer significant other a controller, fire up rayman legends, the end 😎