
Sorry if I don’t jump out of my seat applauding a studio that took 4+ years to rehaul a game into the bare minimum of what was promised. They made this so classic Halo multiplayer could live on throughout the 2010s,” but it’s only become playable in 2019. Hmm.

I’m not even a big Halo fan and I loathe the Windows store, but man...if they’d release this on PC I’d buy it in a damn heartbeat, no questions asked.

Seriously. People want a legitimate Halo experience on PC so badly that they spent thousands of collective man-hours reverse engineering that Russian F2P game, tearing out all the weird loot box stuff, coding a server browser from scratch, and porting maps from the console games (often recreating entire sections

it already has ODST as a dlc, with significant improvements as well. 

I just wish all the Halo games had come out for PC. Combat Evolved was great.

Correction: Scads of cash is what could happen if The Master Chief Collection were ever brought to PC.


The problem with recent halo MP is the armor and other upgrade you get from loot boxes. Halo 3 was just halo. You spawn, you grab guns you kill. Now you can call in COD esque kill streaks and it just doesn’t feel like halo anymore. 

The Michael Jordan of Delaware. What a freaking game for him!

I think you’ve been misled by personal bias based on your interests. Yeah, they laid off a bunch of esports people, but they also laid off a bunch of IRL/talk show folks, and a bunch of people involved in streaming tabletop RPGs. Basically they laid off most of their in-house content people. This isn’t Twitch getting

The dreaded Black Guy With Personality syndrome. Must be stamped out immediately.

Karma’s a bitch, Warriors!

So this pretty much wraps up the whole God debate, right?

Can’t get trashed by Boeheim for leaving Syracuse early if you never play for him.

Latavious Williams did this like 10 years ago. I don’t think Bazley is the first one.


So wait, you say people can’t sing along to a song because it contains a word they can’t say because they are a different color? That’s not racist? Sounds like banning a word for everyone is the solution.

I basically lost 80% of faith in old white people when Don Imus saying “nappy headed ho’s” turned into “rappers should stop saying the n-word”.

“This is a teachable moment,” Sung told the Times-Dispatch. “It’s not something that we’re proud of. The team is very apologetic and sorry. There’s nobody of any color that should say it. Period. There’s nobody that should say it.”

I know it’s like “not cool” or whatever to enjoy the sadness of an emotionally troubled young man, but knowing Allen grows up to become the Zodiac killer it seems like it’s OK in this instance.

They’re the first mid-major team to make the Final Four since Wichita State in 2013.