
Well if you can’t believe a guy who pees on a naked 14 year old on tape, who can you believe?

Social media can be as helpful as it is hurtful. While it can lead to problems because kids can’t escape the potentially toxic social problems at school, it also can lead to a lot of kids finding an online community for support (which I suspect is very helpful for LGTBQ kids in small towns) when they wouldn’t of had

My God, I didn’t think about it exactly that way. You seem to be thinking about in the way that my friends who are poets do. Yeah, it could almost be like an environmental hygiene thing — what is your world? What does it consist of?

The outside thing is very important. If you think the world is the rooms you inhabit, it’s a small, awful place. When you know it’s big and awesome and beyond your control, it puts things in better context. (Who knows, though? Maybe the boy in this story was an outdoors guy.)

Social media is a HUGE portion of it, that and cell phones. I was bullied mercilessly through middle school, but I always had home, extracurriculars, and friends to escape to at the end of the day.

I have been trying to think back to when I was a teen, and what prevented us from taking our own lives. I think there were a lot of things going on, but I was in a pretty rarefied environment (lots o’ privilege and stuff) There may be some things to glean, though.

There’s so little known about what causes autism, but pretty much one thing everyone agrees is they don’t know what causes it. If it were caused by smoking weed, my daughter would be autistic as I smoked like a chimney when not at work.

I have epilepsy, and my mother wouldn’t know weed from oregano. One of the first things they did when I saw my first neurologist was test me for ADHD and learning disorders, the incidence rates are so high. I wouldn’t sweat that one.

I agree, it was the early `90's when I was diagnosed and just throwing shit at the wall to see what stuck, so to speak. I actually took a DNA test recently and I was predisposed to autism in like 5 different ways. My mom didn’t really buy it either but she felt like I should know it was a remote possibility.

I was recently diagnosed with ADHD, and my doctor told me that it has a strong genetic component and tends to run in families (my brother has it too). So if all of your family has ADHD, chances are pretty good that she would’ve had it anyway.

I also smoked due to hyperemesis, rather than lose the baby. For any moms feeling guilty that they may have burdened their children with issues, I just want to say that my son does not have ADHD, behavioral issues or any spectrum disorders. He DID have colic when he was born, and I do think that was connected (my poor

Very, very, very, very unlikely. Had you not used mmj, you would have been worrying if your stressful & painful pregnancy caused your child to develop ADHD (look up the effects of depression & stress on a fetus— a whole new set of things for moms to feel guilty about, woohoo!).

Except, something like hyperemesis gravidarum COMES FROM being pregnant. So these are people who very likely chose to conceive under what you’d consider normal circumstances.

My mother didn’t smoke pot at all, and one of my brothers is autistic. Interestingly, multiple doctors (like M.D. doctors, not nephropathy or anything) said that it was because of his reaction to the immunizations. He did technically show no signs of autism until a set of shots that gave him massive seizures, but our

My mother smoked pot through a lot of her pregnancy and I am autistic. Nothing above mentions autism but it was mentioned to her during my diagnosis that “maybe” her pregnancy habits contributed; I don’t really buy it, to be honest, but anyway. You probably didn’t cause the ADHD (the comorbidity with epilepsy you

Wow. It is not clear to me where you got your medical license from, but they should have told you that you can’t diagnose a person who is not your patient nor give sound medical advice through the internet. It seems to me that I know more about my medications and medical options than you do. And yet you still are

I fully agree, and did not smoke pot during any pregnancies or breastfeeding, BUT i know some women who have smoked pot to counter the terrible effects of severe morning sickness.

She has a point. Whenever a man tells me to steam my vagina I spend all day sitting on the kettle. But when she does I mock her.

gif is delightful

“According to ABC, one parent posted on social media that students should respect Ryan because he has a fancy job, no matter how much you may want health insurance someday.”