
You're right, of course. In fact, I read Bellamy's Looking Backwards when I was in high school. I should have said something like the first to write about time travel that was purportedly based on science.

Will they have a different version of Harrison Wells every season? I think that just might be the plan. BTW, anyone else think that the name "H.R. Wells" is actually a tribute to H.G. Wells, the first author to write about time travel?

Mon-El got sent to the Phantom Zone, but I think it's a pretty safe bet he won't be spending 1,000 years there. There have been several Legion-related elements shown (President Marsdin's homeworld of Durla is where Chameleon Boy comes from, there was mention in one episode of the prison planet Takron-Galtos, and of

He didn't know what it was until after it had been used, did he? Do we even know that crushing it would release J'onn, rather than leaving him trapped in his nightmare?

So how many people on this show know that Clark Kent is Superman? We've seen Winn and James casually referring to "Clark" when we know what they mean. Anyone else (besides Kara)? Alex? Is the idea that anyone who knows Kara's identity gets told Clark's as well? Oh, and the Batman references have a special irony, given

I think maybe she was just racist.

Not foolproof at all. Iris could marry Eddie, give birth to Eobard's grandfather, then divorce him and marry Barry. Not that I think that will happen, just that it could.

But Queen Consolidated is already no more on "Arrow", having been bought by Ray and turned into Palmer Technologies. Does this mean that Ollie will get his company (or part of it) back?