
@dowingba: How did a koopa get a star? How are they talking? What's suspension of disbelief?

@Piccoroz: WRONG! It was originally intended to be an RTS and then a 3PS and then it became an FPS.

I think what really helps is just letting your frustrations go. If that comes out in the form of swearing... so be it. We are taught indirectly that swearing happens when we are feeling extreme discomfort in some form. If someone were not taught that (say... they were raised by Nun's?) then doing someone ELSE might be

@Chewmieser: Like I said I could only really speak to Halo. AFAIK the plasma pistol is one of the ONLY spammable weapons in Reach. Look at the DMR footage and you can see it's firing at a very comfortable rate of fire, and also not very accurate. But I have to give it to you. You've successfully trumped my claim of

That whole "automatic pistol" scenario is bogus. At least when it comes to Halo. Halo (like most shooters?) employs a rate of fire cap on their weapons. This is so people can't spam the trigger and gain any real advantage. Granted some of the caps can be rather high but at least in Reach, well, the faster the fire the

@Cake Tank!: As far as anybody knew, though, these spartans didn't have anything to do with the PoA and from one look at the cutscene they obviously play a role in that. I know a lot of halo fans that would consider it a spoiler... I don't know any that haven't played through cmpaign yet, though. Haha.

@Win Laik Pya: When you see an ad or an editorial in a newpaper do you send a letter to the editor telling them it's bullshit?

@Win Laik Pya: It's a blog, dude. Take your journalism class and poke it up your pooper.

You warned me and I didn't listen... :(

@SteelWolf89: If you haven't played the game all the way through yet then you wouldn't know that the pillar of autumn had anything to do with anything.

@Izod517: You have a point but it should still work with Reach. I mean, it has enough memory, I don't see why you need it? It's not telling him he needs the game to be installed on a HDD he just needs to have one. Well, MS or Bungie should try to find a fix because it's bogus. I don't really blame Bungie. I blame MS,

@supo: I agree. 8 hours is plenty. It's standard or longer than all the other halo campaigns. The issue is really whether or not it was a good 8 hours and I believe it will be. I'd rather spend hours there than 20 in some other games.

Well, I think apple got them beat because my iPhone just told me it was the greatest thing ever and then dropped my call."

@Eternal: Well they're halfway there then! Sarcasm is mostly just a lie but with a tone of voice that makes it obvious (and a bit patronizing) that you're lying.

@Bionic92: Well, I hear he showed up uninvited (but I don't know if it was invite only). If it makes you feel better Nathan Fillion kicked his ass at Halo. :)

@supo: Well if the enemies are harder to fight and take longer to kill then their AI has more of a chance to move strategically. Not to mention that harder difficulties increase the "smartness" of the AI so they also react sooner to damage and such.

@trickybuz93: Yeah it is. haha. I would recommend going through the first season on dvd if you have a weekend to kill or something. But otherwise you didn't end up missing much. :/

@jedbeetle: Everything you just said is what went wrong with heroes. And I agree with everything you said. Some of the best characters were just totally killed off for no justifiable reason other than, "Killing someone unexpectedly = 'a twist'. A twist = entertained viewers."