
Ok. Dudes in Alias, a cameo in Lost, Heroes, one of the Halo games I think (in halo 3 as a marine?), and now Gears...

Geez, man. Don't get too enthusiastic or anything. He's so hyper it's like watching a damn chipmunk on a coffee break.

@crusifer: What if your nose itches now? Not a huge difference...

@Slagathorian: Stand tall and shake the heavens...: I think MS is having it include both to give the illusion that some people like the original. This way they aren't technically admitting with their actions to having a flaw in their original product but adding more for those that wanted it.

@AureateFlux: I would assume not since it comes with a play and charge kit... meaning it has it's own rechargeable battery that comes with it.

@Garrett Gabehart: I think the reason your comment might have been deleted is because you used a very homophobic and insulting word just so you could feel like a better troll.

I wonder if one could find some sort of algorithm that combined sales, review scores, sustainability, and industry influeence to come up with a pretty fair top 10. But even then the second two factors are certainly subjective in some way or another.

@VBerg: people think bungie employees are asshats?

@Vaylkon: bow down before your mooninite gods! on the moon our bombs are ten times more powerful and look twice as bad ass....

My pre-teen half chub for these ladies has died.

WTF with that clip at the end of a pokemon living in some flying girls hair...

@Smidget: I think sketch from bungie said that the trailer is intentionally ambiguous but that the person taking the bomb up IS in fact Noble 6 classic. Perhaps the armor you have and the armor he has are similar because they are the S-III standard issue? Perhaps the only reason noble team looks so different is

@jellotek: Actually it breifly showed that she ran out of sheild and her health was next to nothing. Plus that bomn was going to blow up any second. If OLD Noble 6 didnt take over the mission would have failed.

@Smidget: Huhah! Someone else noticed it! This must be the moment Kat regrets so much about the battle where they lost Noble 6. It's kind of neat that a bit of marketing can actually expand the story this way. Definately pumps me up for the game!

@dazedncnfusd7170: I think it's wrong either way. Not paying for something that wasn't offered to you for free is always wrong. I mean. Take 5 bucks from a poor man or a rich man and it's still 5 bucks that isn't yours. The results will be much worse for the poor man, surely, but all rich men were poor men once (or