bwrites enjoyed the time we shared together

Yep. Despite the fact that I have been told since I was a young teenager that I could never carry a pregnancy to term because of my health problems, because it would maim or kill me, and it wouldn’t be fair to pass on my genetic disorders to my offspring, I was denied a hysterectomy for years. Total BS.

Cannot star this enough, especially since you’ve pointed out the benefits to MEN too, which so few people acknowledge.

Before I got my nexplanons, I was on the ortho-evra patch for birth control, which was great for me because there was no way in hell I would remember to take a pill every day, but remembering to change the patch once a week was much easier.

It is, which is why it’s constantly under attack by the right. :/

Me too! Although if she’s not comfortable, I’m glad for confidentiality programs.


I probably wouldn’t be good at giving people manners advice, because if someone rudely asked me how I got the big scar on my leg, I’d probably respond, “from hunting down and killing people who ask me impertinent questions.”

Oh it has pretty much been a miracle. The pill has been a huge societal game changer. I’m old enough to remember the advent of the pill into widespread use, and the resulting liberation of, not just women, but men as well — the freedom from struggling to provide for the 5-6-7 etc. children you couldn’t afford but had

“I got it killing a person”.

This is a great reminder for everyone. Medical people should take heed of this, too. Sometimes you forget to turn it off. Asking about these things is inappropriate in social settings. ESPECIALLY scars. ESPECIALLY in places where someone is exposed. Keep your medical inquiries to the exam room.

Seriously? Who even does that?

Seems a no, but I ungreyed it for its majesty. It appealed to the twelve year old boy within.

Hey, 18 years later the situation was finally rectified when I was allowed a hysterectomy. It only took two decades!

In a perfect world, ten and 11 year olds wouldn’t be sexually active, all pregnancies would be planned, and we would take care of those unable to fully care for themselves.

Jesus you poor woman.

I was put on hormonal birth control when I was ten to try to control my periods, which were occurring twice a month. Not so out of the realm of possibilities.

I’m teaching analysis in my course right now, and how to look for an author’s assumptions.

I hope to god you’ve been officially ungreyed by now. Because I think I love you.