
The can’t want a Focus ST wagon if they don’t have the Focus.

Honestly the cars aren’t much of an issue. The problem is that Brian France has turned NASCAR’s paradigm toward an entertainment/marketing company instead of a sanctioning body - literally went full Vince McMahon.

Now playing

but the human sounds champion is SCS with their April fools day mod

And then there was the Dakota Express... for some reason.

I had this happen to me when getting my Regal GS. I visited a dealer that had both a Premium 1 and a GS and requested to test drive each because I wanted to feel the suspension and interior differences. The P1 was ~17k and the GS was 23k. The P1 test went well, but before getting into the GS the guy started talking $$

I bet it is. The charter system sounds silly though. There will probably be a buy-in and it will essentially turn into a pay to play series...

They have been running this series for several years... There has been a qualifying system which whittles the service’s 5,000 NASCAR drivers to the Top 40. The Pro Series alone this year was probably above 500 people.

How many bodies can you fit in the trunk?

What do I get when I suggest a project car that would disprove all worries on a significant other’s checklist...

Illinois also has a simple pricing system for their octane. For every 1 octane rating the price goes up by 25 cents/gallon.

Not even worth scrap only scarp lol whoops

It peaks my interests, but seeing the gaping hole in the roof, the holes in the windshield frame, the water damaged and poop filled interior (and dash electronics), and the bent/rusted bumper (which is partially plastic). It is just too much...

I do the same, usually these 2 questions

As an avid seeker of Dakota convertibles, $1600 is just too much for that one. I can only assume that has been stored as such (with the gaping hole in the roof and rust holes on the windshield). Therefore that classic red carpet interior is trashed and would need to be completely reupholstered to get rid of the

I have chased tornadoes with a Saturn LS. That probably tops the misuse of that car.