
I’m severely asthmatic. In fact I just got out of the hospital after a week due to a bad asthma attack. However, when I see a spider, I’m sitting outside a few minutes later because I usually have Raid in hand spraying the shit out of anything that moves and then have to run outside to breath. After trying to kill

I have a serious dairy allergy but allergies, especially strange allergies run in the family.

Or horseback riding or any other physical things a woman was “allowed” to do back then.

The major religious hypocrisy in my family alone is one reason I refused to participate in religion from since I was a child. For one, they take forgiveness too far. My grandfather raped away my mother’s teen years and the childhood of many of his other daughters. A handful of them now in their 40’s and 50’s continue

You are a woman I can be friends with :D

Oh I have no doubt of that. I sometimes wonder how long before they report that half the shit we eat and half the shit in our homes are actively giving us cancer. I mean that teflon or whatever the hell that black substance is that eventually breaks away from pots/pans and makes its way into the food, can’t be healthy.

So some people are misogynistic to the point of being fucking morons? I’ve never heard of this before you mentioned it, but I honestly fail to see how they could come to that conclusion.

Then she may need to break out the smelling salts if she found out my sister moved to a new house, picking up heavy boxes and TV’s, only to find out the next day that she was 3 months pregnant.

Yes, this was indeed a fantastic article. People’s ignorance never ceases to amaze me. I mean they really thought a woman’s uterus would fall out from running? They grow and eventually push a human out of that area without it coming lose so why the fuck would gravity have a problem with a jog? It reminds me of the

Indeed. But the problem is. Humans as a whole want to keep a record of time and history but refuse to learn from it. People are still alive who fought for women’s rights and blacks because it wasn’t that long ago. Yet here we are again, having to fight for the same thing, only its gays this time.

I think my aunt had one of the worst cheating surprises. She’s an RN and works in the delivery room and takes care of newborns. She went to get the completed birth certificate from a new mother and stood in shock as she read her husbands name in the father slot. She confronted the woman who at first tried to play it

I tried making a puree of peas and carrots for my niece. I blended them and started feeding her, the face she made stopped me and I tasted it. After nearly throwing up, that concoction was in the trash in a hot minute.

It would have been nice to have a manager like you. I had some good ones, not so good ones, and one who led to restaurant full of FBI agents! That is one story I still can't forget.

Then the black people you know don’t overdo it with the baby oil.

The only game I love from Lucasfilm Games is Maniac Mansion. I still play it.

That was what I thought of when I saw this post.

Thank you for this article. I know some adults may find it strange that other adults don't know these things, but I come from a home of neglect. Everything I know, I taught myself and then learned how to do it properly from searching the internet. As an adult I had to spend thousands to fix my teeth because I wasn't

Both. The window is small, but that's also a big fucking bear.

Don't forget the salt.

My fiancee and I have each others passwords to everything. It just happened naturally. Doesn't bother us at all.