Let us not forget the Abcde airport incident.
Let us not forget the Abcde airport incident.
I honestly had to scroll back up to see if I missed what their crimes were. If they broke the law, glad to see they were caught and are being prosecuted. But like many here, the outrage over this compared to officers who get away with literal murder seems lopsided.
Save some space for me and my e-reader.
Wow, your comment is only now showing up a day later for me.
True. There are certain people who think that is typical behavior for all black people.
Bhabie and Vicki. Oh yeah, them. Honestly, if Youtuber lovelyti2002 hadn’t talked about them, I would only know Bhad Bhabie due to all the media coverage. You have Ms. Cashmeoutside aka Bhad Bhabie aka Danielle Bregoli (I was absolutely shocked that she was 14 at the time of her fame, she looks older), given an award…
One thing black Youtubers have pointed out, is that its hard for them to get sponsors. Companies rarely partner with black people on social media either. Yet, we repeatedly see companies willing to throw money at other races who “act ghetto” or their version of what they think black people sound/act like. I don’t…
I honestly pay no attention to gender swapped movies, so they never really bothered me. Until I heard about Tatum playing the mermaid in a Splash remake. Now I need my smelling salts and fainting couch.
Yes, I cannot stand that woman. Besides the way she treated Angie Martinez badly live on hot ‘97, my first visual of her was as an interviewer on a red carpet. She would just ask these tasteless, horrible questions that made even the celebs stop and gape at her nerve.
I honestly never thought about the grossness of spit flying as we blow out candles until I watched an episode of Monk. He was saran wrapping the cake to keep it germ and spit-free. I have since been turned off of birthday cakes.
Hey! If your going to put their non FF movies side by side, you use The Tooth Fairy vs. The Pacifier gosh darn it.
Is it just me or does she share a resemblance with Tina Turner?
I’m also struggling with digestive issues and food. I’m allergic to dairy and developed a severe case of GERD forcing me to cut out even more food items.
The woman seems to hate everyone, including herself.
One I’m black, two what violence against women? Picking her up and taking her out of the room before SHE can hurt people is wrong? How about stop making excuse for women who are behaving badly? Given her past actions, I have little doubt that she may have tried to stab someone with a broken glass. Also, I said she…
She has been in the news recently for multiple acts of violence. Yes, I believe he tossed her out. I also believe she based on her usual violent behavior that she deserved and may have hurt someone in that room.
Yep. I said the same thing to my boyfriend. I first heard of her a while ago because of her dissing Beyonce I think it was. Then after that, I have only ever heard of her because of her one-sided beefs. She seems intent on burning every bridge she can.
Still blaming her sons girlfriend beating on Obama? Or has she moved on to something even more stupid yet?
I have a mini poodle and have lost count of the number of times I’ve stepped ON him since he’s small but not tiny. Because he’s a greedy little guy, any move that looks like we may be heading towards the kitchen, means he’s knocking us over to get there first.
Haven’t had spiders touching me that I know of (shiver). However, I’m forever traumatized by a different bug. I was watching TV in bed and my neck was kind of itching me. For some reason, I never reached up to scratch it. This went on for about 30 minutes on and off. Finally, I got up to use the bathroom. When my neck…