
In Baghdad, they targeted families breaking their fast eating ice cream. In Kabul, between 80-100 people were killed for the crime of being too close to the Canadian embassy. In Manchester, they targeted little girls enjoying a concert and now they have rammed their trucks on people who had the audacity to be walking

Lynnels do get fooled, but only if you are on your horse ;)

I love absolutely everything about your comment. DBT saved my life three years ago. I wasn’t suicidal, but I have severe generalized anxiety disorder and ADHD and while studying for the bar, I began abusing Adderall and not sleeping for days. I ended up not being able to take the exam, made a very pitiful attempt at

At the root of these biographies is that it is not feasible a successful black man would willingly choose a black woman when given the options of white woman.

I hear you, but it’s important to note that Nigerian women’s groups did not want us to help in the way you are describing. This (meaning international negotiations), and things like capacity-building assistance for local efforts including counter-terrorism and countering violent extremism as well are the most

It states beneath the picture that it is the campaigners celebrating. How is that misleading?

Unfortunately it seems to be ‘shopped. This is from her IG-

I don’t think a single person would be negatively effected if fraternities and sororities were all permanently disbanded forever. 

Kewl now I’m crying

The debate was spur of the moment, thinking on his feet with no time to apply a coating of bullshit to his viewpoints. Here he had time to prepare and cover the nastier parts of his views with the appropriate doublespeak.

The problem is that their own ignorant rot is contagious, and if you let it fester untreated, you have an outbreak.

Jon’s views aren’t based on real statistics, but from Breitbart bullshit. He argued that the most well off black person is still more violent and more likely to commit crimes than the worst off whites. Please don’t let him half-assedly backpedal from such a blatantly racist (and factually incorrect) statement.

It’s the Annette Benning vs. Denise Richards debate. Women who fall in love with habitual womanizers often believe they’re going to be Annette Benning whereas they end up being the Denise Richards in the long run. The former is the rare reception (usually because the guy decides to settle down with whomever he’s with

It’s not the number. It’s the size. The scale is wrong for the space.

Now that the dust has settled for Breath of the Wild, are we all on the same page that Korok seeds are really their droppings? Because I’ve never seen a seed that shape. Stupid Koroks punking Link like that. Uncool.

Why so cynical? The guy clearly has more passion for making video games than he does “making a name for himself” and he must have the dedication and work ethic to not only get on Nintendo’s radar but actually get a job offer. Not everyone wants to be in the spotlight. Some people want to do work they are happy to do

Now I have to wonder what the fuck he did to manage to be the lone white guy (I assume) at Nintendo of Japan.

And the opening about being “desperate for ratings” is a giveaway too. No one is as obsessed with ratings as he is.

It’s almost as though it’s some kind of commentary on the pointlessness of collecting useless shit in video games...

Luckily for law-abiding citizens like this man, the law doesn't need you "behind it" to function!