A mother of two, who lived in the US for 21 years http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/318757-guadalupe-garcia-de-rayos-deported-by-ice
A mother of two, who lived in the US for 21 years http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/318757-guadalupe-garcia-de-rayos-deported-by-ice
I honestly think there’s another angle no one’s touching on — he could be too obnoxious or self-involved for anyone to want to keep dating him, and emphasizing how “interesting” he is is only going to make that worse. Is he making sure he’s asking questions about her and listening more than he talks, acting genuinely…
“You’re a great guy but...” can happen if they talk about *anything* endlessly, not just their ex.
Wow, how on earth would a tipline caller figure out *just now* that this woman and that baby were the same person? Makes me wonder if somebody knew for a very long time and just now decided to call...
I know we’re supposed to be all tolerant of each other, and that’s fine to a point, but theirs is a shit culture. Its not even a worry about terrorists. Every group has their extremest fringe. Its more how they treat women, LGBT, honor killings, child rape. Its a shitty culture, its got no place in the modern world…
I agree with this except that I also loved Skyfall
I *wish* I was process motivated. Very frequently I encounter problems in achieving goals because I just can’t stand the work. Breaking things down into bite-sized goals does help, but if anyone’s got advice for how to shift your perspective to enjoy the process (and this applies even to things I like doing — I just…
It’s not public in the bad way if it’s not identifiable. Are you new to advice columns? This is where people describe their problems, often in relationships with other people, and they are published.
What does the federal government owning large amounts of mostly unpopulated land in a state have to do with that state being a state? There’s an assumption in there that that makes the state have less autonomy in a meaningful way and I’m not buying it. How do you feel about the autonomy of residents of Washington,…
If your people were being murdered by a foreign power helping your totalitarian government... idk. I think it’s sympathetic. Not that this man should’ve been assassinated, but for the murderer it wasn’t about the individual — it was about the country he was tasked with representing. I 100% see how this happens.
Other people have been kicked off for the same thing. See http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/muslim-passenger-southwest-airlines-khairuldeen-makhzoom-arabic-phone-uncle-baghdad-cair-statement-a7347311.html and even more absurdly, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/05/07/italian-mathematician-taken-off-f…
He’s willing to take plenty of suggestions on things he doesn’t care about. Coming up with his own opinion on those is too much effort he’s not interested in expending. If it affects his ego though, he does what he wants.
Please educate yourself before declaring things. ISIS has been training people to use vehicles in attacks for a while now. http://time.com/4407732/isis-truck-nice-attack/ Rukmini Callimachi has written several times on the subject.
I hope a reporter and/or civil rights lawyer can get in touch with her? We should at least try to make sure she has a chance at vindication if this really happened.
Here’s a link to the story, because it’s important to remember it. Be warned, it’s fairly horrifying. https://www.propublica.org/article/false-rape-accusations-an-unbelievable-story