
That clip keeps going around, but it's obviously Vince playing a character who is being a stupid idiot. WWE absolutely has a problem with race, but these days it's much less overt than Vince heelishly saying the n-word in a promo.

Scott's back from Europe and doing an AMA of his own tomorrow, so we can ask again there.

I fully plan on waking up at 4:30AM and regretting it the rest of the day.

Did they ever say what happened? It just kind of stopped.

It's weird. 20 minutes of them talking around what they're working on, because it's too far away to be discussing specifics. Maybe it'll develop substance nearing September, but that first episode was limp.

I'm with you. Something to watch would be great. "The Squared Circle" by David Shoemaker takes a great look back at the sport, but wrestling is so performance-based it can be hard to get different characters and performers across if you're not already familiar with their work. Shoemaker does a nice job, though.

I've found if you go to the one closest to my house on weekdays at lunchtime you get plenty of meat and plenty of cheese. Try that one next time.

The Steak Doubledilla is really good.

I'd like Baron Corbin so much more if he would just wear a shirt.

For all we know, that's where Forrest is.

As much fun as it is to fantasy book Cena losing the US belt, there's no way it'll end up anything but a disappointing mess.

If you really want porn-esque homoeroticism, try this one from last night.

as if a superhero movie trailer could ever live up to the new god damn Star Wars

I WANT to care about Bray, I want to so badly. I even bought into the Ambrose feud after that inexplicable Hell in a Cell finish. But it's impossible to muster any enthusiasm for the guy any more. He might be the biggest example of missed potential in WWE right now.

Given what we've seen of Kerry's personality, spending her money on a bathtub seems perfectly natural.

Yeah, it is. It's the strangest thing.

I think I liked this show, if only for the amount of actual wrestling. Ten matches! There are too many with, what, three or four? And they seemed (with the exception of the main event matches) pretty novel. Disappointed we didn't get any Ziggler or Bryan. I'm kind of relieved Ambrose was out, because the way they've

Austin talked about it on his podcast today. Just said they couldn't come to a deal for a third show. No heat. The reason behind it not working out is a private matter.

This week is the conclusion.

I wanted so much more out of Taker/Wyatt. Something spooky. Do some weird magic cult stuff. Transfer your soul power to the new guy. Anything more than "competently wrestle for a bit until someone wins." I think I heard Taker was going to be at Raw tonight, so maybe they'll do the fun stuff there.