
Pretty sure it's not listed in the "other Dark Tower-related works" part of the new book. But yeah, it's related to one of the related books, but there's nothing overt.

I was glad when 11/22/63 had absolutely nothing to do with The Dark Tower, at all. That was nice.

The show is funny, but it's got…too much energy? When I think back to any given episode my memory just fills in Lennon and Jessica and the little girl shouting for twenty minutes.


Who's that warehouse guy? He's funny! He makes me smile every time he's on the show! If we can get more people like him then yes, please, please reboot this show.

What was so bad about the secret Touch Me thing? I don't get why that made everyone so upset.


They renewed Enlightened, and its absolute best ratings were about half of Luck's.

From Ashes is a lot more substantial than Zaeed. Where Zaeed and Kasumi were clearly just side characters, Javik is just as fully-featured as any of the other main dudes. That could be a good thing if you're looking to justify the $10 or a terrible thing if you wonder why the fuck he wasn't just put into the game.

I've never, ever, ever played a Shin Megami Tensei game. Is it okay to start with this?

They always waited with Game of Thrones.

I'm sure more people will watch it than watched Enlightened.

It was fantastic. Just watched through the whole thing over the last two days. I can see how it would be hard to get into watching week-by-week, but it was incredible watching it as a long movie - best season of TV I saw this year, along with Homeland and Breaking Bad. Consider Helen was so good. Wish more people were

Seriously. The show has been fantastic so far, one of the best this year, but I have no confidence that it'll be good in future seasons, or even in the next episode. It always seems just on the cusp of becoming totally stupid, which is a shame because they've got some great characters.

There's a big gap between "exploring race" and "abusing ethnic stereotypes".

It was pretty awful. If you didn't watch live, right after Ben gave Leslie the Lil Sebastian plushie an advertisement that took up the bottom portion of the screen came up saying something like "BUY YOUR OWN LIL SEBASTIAN PLUSHIE ON NBC.COM!"

It's been a pretty excellent season, especially for a show in its seventh year. If there were multiple episodes on the level of "Frank's Brother" I'd call it wildly inconsistent, but here we have a season with some good episodes and some great episodes and one bad bad bad episode.

Wait a minute, this show is only a half hour? Always assumed it was an hour. I might start watching sooner than I planned.

Only thing that brought it down was Leslie doing kind of the exact same annoying thing she's she always does when she doesn't get her way. Very good otherwise. The cold open was great.

He sounded like Bob Odenkirk.