
Also everything in NYC smells like pee.

I don’t think anyone can afford to open a restaurant in NYC much anymore unless they treat it like PR to get people to buy their other shit. High end clothing does that bc when Gucci or whatever spends 50 million on a renovation it's so people buy their perfume and crap back at home in middle America. The rent is just

Did the waitstaff at Gordon Ramseys have to wear stupid outfits? I only walked by his place at Cesar's Palace in Atlantic City and they were forced to wear pseudo punk outfits. It looked like if Hot Topic was also a pub.

Honestly what the fuck.

Scott Conant called me a loser and blocked me on Twitter for making a joke about my own ineptitude at cooking pasta, and I was actually a fan of his (and really enjoyed his pasta place at the Fontainebleu in Miami, got to go as part of a work conference). So I dunno, if you’re a celebrity chef, maybe don’t be a dick

Glad you had a good experience, I went to Gordon Ramsey’s restaurant at Paris LV for a new years eve dinner once and boy was it overpriced, food was meh!, and they even charged you for water!! I naively thought a restaurant with Gordon’s name would be held to his standards he demonstrates on his tv shows but boy were

I thought I had read that Good Eats was making a comeback, but that was a while ago and I haven’t seen anything since. 

I feel like being a celebrity chef works well as a next step from rather than an addition to running a restaurant. I really like David Chang’s food but I think I like him more (as I do Bourdain) because of the conversations he facilitates and the people he brings along with him. I think owning or having owned a

Pretty much.

They spun off almost all cooking / instructional programming to the Cooking Channel. Seems incredibly dumb, but whatever. 

Like Pioneer Woman—she has her own line of skillets at Walmart now!

The tv in my office somehow got turned to the food Network and I swear they showed five straight hours of Kids baking championship yesterday followed by another five hours of Diner's drive-ins and dives. 

Viewership is down because cable television subscriptions are down. The competition shows, though are still way way more popular than the celebrity cooking shows were.

Vegas seems like the only place where a celebrity chef's restaurant can thrive. I went to Guy fieris restaurant in Vegas a while back and it was pretty good for Vegas priced food. I also went to Giada's restaurant and was less impressed but it was still pretty good.

I’ve only really eaten at Momofuku Noodle Bar and Jaleo as far as superfamous chefs’ places go, as I expect most places by celebrated chefs are overly expensive (such as those featured in Chef’s Table) and those by celebrity chefs overpriced (probably anything by Emeril, Fieri, Flay).

No, it’s all competitions and novelty shows. There is no demonstration or instructional cooking anymore. And they wonder why viewership is down.

Like many other things I think the internet has beaten up the “celebrity chef” mystique. Most of these guys got their start back when the only way to really get noticed and build an audience was on cable or via “foody” magazines. Now anyone with above average cooking and communication skills can get a YouTube channel

Do they even play celebrity chef shows on the Food Network anymore? I stopped watching when it seemed to move to nonstop baked goods challenges. Global Cupcake Thermonuclear Annihalation and the like don’t really support the kind of fame that drives celebrity chef chains.

I’m pissed I never got to see a giant sloth walk the earth.