
WOW! You followed this dude for TWO MILES over some traffic bullshit?! This guy has got to learn some impulse control, and that’s coming from a man with PTSD. TWO MILES?! So what if someone cut you off; honk your horn, flip the bird and be done.  May my life never be so sad and small that I project all kinds of

Truly, there is no greater crime than denying a wealthy white man the privilege he so desires, and to deny him what he wants even as he lacks for nothing is an utter injustice

“squeezing him into a fully booked room”

I like the idea that a person of this stature in life cannot get into the last restaurant on his list.  Manager of a financial group?  I’m sure he’s fucked over more people than he will ever know.  Let the people have this one.

Except, if the existing shop in Colorado had its name first, then the newcomer is the one who’s in violation, right? Anyways, I highly doubt that this Chicago chain was looking to open its first non-Chicago franchises in AK or HI - both seem like pretty remote choices for early expansion.

He is, it’s tomatoface. Flag’n’dismiss.

Please tell me you’re trolling....

Yes - acting to subvert an election is illegal. Conspiring to subvert an election is also illegal. The collusion, Trump talking to the Russians about what they can do for him in the upcoming and then doing it, that’s conspiracy. Telling other people what you want and having them meet w/ the Russians to get it done is

Flying coach wasn't the humiliating part, they're objecting to being separated because they don't believe it was done in good faith.

I don’t understand (or believe) Alaska Airlines’ explanation because if two couples we’re sold seats in the same section why did they only need one of their seats? What’s more, if both couples belonged in premium seats why even bother the two already seated passengers over this? If the airline overbooked, that’s not

Both of these are great ideas, but I’m really partial to any solution that involves weaponized shellfish. 

Those police and prosecutors now know that these people are innocent. They are willingly engaged in abusing their official positions in a conspiracy to protect fugitives from justice.

Here’s the thing...

The conviction and the case being closed are the only things that are important to lawyers and police departments.

Honestly, this is why I’m wondering what’s up with the rape victim beating this drum. All the evidence points to it being a lone job by this one guy. Those kids all served out the time allotted while the actual perp never did a fucking day for what he did to her. What’s her fucking angle to punish people that were

Here’s the thing...

Speaking as a Sr. Software Engineer at one of the US’s largest Bar and Restaurant POS solution providers, the US does use chip and pin nowespecially after the recent liability shift. If you do not have an EMV pin pad device and they issue a charge back on their EMV card that was swiped and not dipped, the

In addition, USians are so accustomed to having their card held that if you don’t, they’ll leave without signing or leaving a tip, because they subconsciously assume they already did if they have their card.

America is still struggling with chip and pin and tap to pay infrastructure and deployment. Lots of bars ask to hold the physical card and most eateries physically take your card to a single to swipe and validate payment.

You can zig
You can zag
You can sous-vide a turkey
in a bag