The joke was supposed to be a statement on the overall intelligence being exhibited >.>
The joke was supposed to be a statement on the overall intelligence being exhibited >.>
<.< Welp my joke failed.
They think if they’re the ones who do the fucking they’ll get a reach around.
I mean, I don’t disagree with you that Solitary sucks and is inhumane. I’m simply stating that it’s the procedure for protective custody situations in which a prisoner has a valid threat against their wellbeing by external forces.
For what it’s worth, it’s been said this is legit for his own protection. The Ukrainian ties he developed have a history of taking care of issues via hired prison shank.
Yes, but only because I live in Cincinnati and have access to such things in NKY.
“His personal politics aside” lmfao. No.
We get it, you’re the token edgy troll.
Seems like you have.
Some people understand that capitalism means that purchasing a sandwich from a business funds the things the business advocates for. It really isn’t a difficult concept.
“WELL I HAVE AN OPINION TOO!. Listen, we all know it. It’s okay, calm down and have a sucker or something.
Shhh, adults are talking baby.
LOL. Okay sweetie <3
Their food was solid in so far as fast food is concerned but I haven’t gone in years because I’m not funding hate speech in exchange for a fucking chicken sandwich.
I was hoping the Costello vid was going to be “Radio, Radio” on SNL :P
The President of the United States has officially stated his position that non-citizens within our borders should not have the constitutional right of due process. This means that he is *openly* attacking the very foundation he is sworn to uphold and protect.
They’re already doing that. They have a new task force dedicated to finding ways to “de-naturalize” Citizens.
Hey just remember $ is speech :|
Yeah guys, if you buy now you’ll give Bezos some more money to fuck his workers out of!
Yeah guys, if you buy now you’ll give Bezos some more money to fuck his workers out of!