AV Club going hard with clickbait, huh?
It's always nice to see a thought out, non vitriolic opinion met with this much hatred.
It's a reasonable stance for someone who wants to move past what happened, instead of being perpetually stuck as a self pitying victim.
Most of the arguments being made for and against Elba being Bond are about race, and that itself is inherently racist. People in favour of Elba playing bond are, whether they like it or not, are being just as racist as people against Elba because he's black. Saying it would be a good chance for "black payback" is…
For now.
Oh no! Offensive words for PC people!
Really disappointing to see AV club suddenly decline like this. Can someone write an article that isn't click bait?
Is there a point to this brand of clickbait, beyond hits? It's a decent article, opening and title notwithstanding, so why mark it as something so incendiary to begin with?
Woah woah, slow down. Don't accuse me of something I'm not just so you can have something easier to scream it. I'm strongly implying you're acting like a bigot because of how you treat people who hold different beliefs, not exhibiting how much I apparently hate gay people.
It was just a gay prank dude, chill out.
Actually, I'm not really sure if it would be more appropriate to call you a bigot, or a child.
Pretty sure people with opinions such as yours can also be called bigots.
Yet here I am, wasting time on such an exemplary wall of ignorance.
Quite rude to twist my argument into something you could use as a platform to needlessly insult people you don't agree with, let alone understand in the slightest.
Well, there is quite the difference between people who believe in actual equal rights, and those who want extreme gender imbalances.
"those people"
But can you prove, without a doubt, that it wasn't nutjobs being a very vocal minority?
At the very least it's a nice contrast to the MRA acronym/boogeyman
I guarantee you that the only people who would argue that are either trolling, or are just stupid to begin with. No sane and intelligent person believes that a woman can't do something because she's a woman. Unless there's a canonical reason why she couldn't be, in which case that's another story entirely.
Well you've already put in the cue for the SJWs.