Bill Ross

There's also a chance that Nacho won't be around when Hector has an attack which means the pills go with Hector to the hospital. I think Hector will eventually be conscious enough to know that something's wrong with the pills, that they had no effect. Nacho needs to switch them back, if he gets the chance.

Nacho has to go through it all again when he switches the good pills back. He may not be so lucky next time.

The FBI portion of this show should take a cue from X-Files. They had a perfect opportunity for some baddie to hack the Ford's Remote Access Iphone software, rev the engine, peel out and run over the agents as they were walking in front of the car. Instead we get a very misplaced in-show ad about Ford's remote app.

Also the whole idea of working alone without local support is ludicrous. She could be walking into a heavily armed militia bunker camp. It's not very well written.

Wow, some big spoilers in that preview, Obviously Walt survives, but the thing between Henry and Mathias is completely blown. Last time we saw Henry is when Mathias caught up to him ready to cuff him.

Cliff's reaction was justified. Any new employee who does an end around on the business owner, particularly with highly visible material, would immediately get canned no matter what the outcome.

I hope Gus Fring makes an appearance. One thing is certain, Saul and Mike were doing business with Fring long before they met WW, Saul is the one who set up the meeting with Fring and Mike was firmly established as Fing's security guy. I don't think we really have a time frame of when those guys became associates so

I agree about Mrs. Scully. Outside of Mulder, she was Scully's primary support system and showing her family life made Scully a more three dimensional character. If this revival manages to get picked up for future seasons, Maggie will be missed.

Besides the one with Sulu done almost 10 years ago, which is totally carried by George Takei and the girl playing his daughter, Star Trek Continues blows everything else from NV out of the water. Lolani had Lou Ferrigno who just nails his part, there was a sequel to Who Mourns for Adonais with the original Apollo,

Since it's our demo that created the internet, and our demo that helped saved the show by tweeting and trending at 40k posts an hour, I'd say we know a little bit about how the internet works.