
The Rolling Stones reintroduced the Blues to the United States, and have consistently supported (almost exclusively African American) Blues artists throughout their career, including inviting them to tour with them as opening acts. Buddy Guy is and has been friends with them for decades.

I thought our dilemma as parents was difficult - I feel for you.

Only problem is, if the public schools are an actual safety hazard and horrific from an educational standpoint.

Seconded. What is crappy, is that if you live in an area where the public schools are horrific, the way districts in the US are setup with relation to towns, counties, etc., it is almost impossible to get some kind of coherent remediation plan - the local government likely has zero interaction or authority over the

I have two kids. We live in a very diverse (economically and ethnically) suburb of Chicago. Our kids attend public school, where they are in the minority (white, who make up about 1/3 of the class and relatively well-to-do, we are in about the 10th percentile economically). They also attend a very mixed-race daycare.