
Oh no not I! I will survive!

One of my 8 year old daughter's favorite TV lines of all time, and honestly one of mine as well; "Oooohhhhh, a LOT of poo shot out then!"

NO WAY! You totally missed me!

PEW PEW! I gotchew!! I gotchew!!


HA! "Glaring visibility problem." I get it! I get jokes!

Baby fish mouth...

Great. Another duckface pic...

Wow... You're like, a genius or something! Where oh where would I have been without this tidbit of helpful information?! You must have quite a following what with dispensing deep information like that to total strangers. And for free at that! I'm sure somewhere, someone would pay a great deal for that sort of

That is true...

I am certainly glad someone got it because I was getting concerned with all the "why do you come here" bullshit. I DO come here for good car talk and associated news - no place is better. I DO NOT come here for political dissertations on meaningless bumper stickers.

Didn't mean to insult your great views of tolerance there, oh greater than I.

Don't care. Not even a little. Not what I come here to see and or read about and topics like this seem to be happening with more frequency here.

Looks like you have a great view of the lake/coast/other imaginary body of water too!

Skrruuuuu you guys! Imma hit the service road and pass all you suckers.

What those two bald guys doing in there? Discuss...


It's damn shame when they use those cuts for something as public as this. There are tons of other things that can be cut but because this is a very public thing it was chosen as a cut. Same shit for the whore, I mean White House tours. Pure dick move. Nothing less.

Wicked lip piercing, brah.

And don't forget to pronounce it as "DE-troit 'Lectric."