
Perpetrators of rape frequently do not consider their own actions to be rape. They think that their target being too intimidated or intoxicated to verbally or physically resist means what they’re doing is okay. If you’re not aware that this is the case, read the news once in a while. Your attitude that “taking steps

Considering that rape only gives you three months in jail if you’re a rich white dude, society does have a problem. Consent education must be mandatory everywhere.

*shrug* somebody had to let you know

Right? I hate them and 90% of the commenters on this thread. “Here is something that you as a man don’t understand” “WELL ACTUALLY WE UNDERSTAND IT PERFECTLY AND YOU’RE WRONG”

God, you’re an idiot.

Yours is a question I’ve seen a lot in different forms, Donegal Fan. Why do women put up with it? Why don’t women call it out? Why don’t women just say no from the start and remove themselves from the situation? Etc.

“The conditions being reported from the Beaumont prisons are unacceptable. There are accounts of overflowing toilets, of people being forced to defecate in bags, of insufficient water and food, and of people being kept in prison past the completion of their calculated sentences. This is contrary to law, and to basic

Now, now, don’t forget that you also have to take responsibility for when a man rapes you. It IS partially your fault, you know. For not respecting yourself, having low self esteem, being a slut and being alone with men, drinking, etc. So you, along with the man who shoves his unwanted dick into your body without your

I think it is circular in how both men AND women (*gasp!*) perpetuate it in the U.S. Guys who are sexually aggressive (like the creep in the main story) target vulnerable/shallow/slutty girls; girls are slutty because they want to attract guys; chaos ensues. And yes, I consider going back to a guy’s place for “just a

While I don’t think that all men effectively pick up on non-verbal clues, if a woman is just lying there underneath him like a dead fish, that should be a clue she doesn’t like it ..... unfortunately that doesn’t really matter to a lot of guys.

Did you every have to sit through a Psych or Sociology 101 class? You act like your upbringing and society can be 100% ignored, but it effects you your entire life. Now that’s not to say people are not responsible for their actions. That’s why at NO POINT did she accuse this man of rape. She just pointed out that

I see both sides of it. Yes, the end goal here is that she bucks up and learns how to take charge of her life. She needs clarity and self-possession. On the other hand, I can see how years of nonsense treatment at the hands of your relationship partners could thwart efforts to be a morally clear and assertive person.

You’re a fucking moron if you think people are able to just discard a lifetime of nurture and socialization. Moreover, this article is the author’s acknowledgement of the ways in which society misled her and caused her to have difficulty articulating her needs and advocating them. I mean, you yourself admit that as

Except men like him (presumably he’s a man) are more upset that women might be afraid of him than the reasons women might be afraid of him. And add in that it’s often seen as an overreaction instead of based on women’s actual experiences.

It’s a dude issue and yes, a dude’s low self-esteem is probably partly what fuels his sexual domineering. Very sad for their targets.

Blame it on parents. Blame it on society. Men are socialized to believe this kind of power disparity just as much as women are socialized to believe the converse. I am not in any way excusing the actions of rapists, by the way.

I call bullshit. Men are well aware when women aren’t fully into the act. They choose to go ahead anyway. That shit is on them.

Lot’s of young women have self-esteem issues, our punishment shouldn’t be rape. Young men with self-esteem issues generally aren’t having their boundaries crossed and being pressured into unwanted sex.

women have been conditioned by society to accept sex even if they don’t want it. Akin to someone (at an extreme level) being brainwashed into murder. Would you hold them accountable?

I am European and have lived in NYC for 6 years so while not to sound elitist (because rape is defiantly a problem worldwide) but I would say it is worse in the US. I would blame that on guys. The bro culture is disturbing in how it treats women. And I cant understand how women don’t call out that bullshit at all