
Yeah, I thought that was weird too. Kara and Alex both left. Who was hosting the party at that point, Winn?

That is an interesting take on things. As honestly we still have like 14 episodes left this season Reign will be around for a while, so they’ll need something beyond Reign giving beat downs on Kara before Kara beats her down.

I think they’re going to approach the dark Supergirl thing from the other direction. Kara, primed by the prophecies, assumed Reign was evil and attacked. Eventually she’ll come to see that Reign isn’t as evil as expected and it’s mostly a question of method not motives. Only then can she try to get her friend back.

More than a little! The whole party scene was bizarre with everybody knowing Kara’s little secret except Lena, and talking about Martiany things and other “inside” stuff. She’s supposed to be a genius (even smarter than Lex?) She’d have to wonder what’s going on—or KNOW what’s going on!

Two things bugged me about last night’s episode:

I found it odd that when they smashed into the Christmas party that most of the people just stuck around the edge of the room and watched.

Overgirl is still with us! As a bunch of scattered molecules in the frozen vastness of space.

I did like Lyra.

Also how her voice is changed when she’s Reign.

So how did they explain J’onn’s father to Lena? Or why J’onn and Kara ran out on the party?


Winn discussing Star Wars movies with the Martians was delightful.

What Imra and Mon-El haven’t revealed is that in the future, J’onn moves to Tamaran and starts his own cover band: X’hal and Oates.

I gotta say Reign looks a lot better on screen and in the dark then she did in those promotional stills they realized of her costume a while back. Also I like that they made her look different enough that you can’t immediately tell that it’s Sam under the mask.

That was a cool look for Reign - though I can’t help thinking about what Cat Grant would say if she saw the giant S burned into the roof of her building.

I know that getting through law school is more a matter of personal discipline than of towering intellect. Being smart helps; but being willing to apply oneself is absolutely essential. And it is on this latter score that I would not be equal to the task.

I love the implication that Isaac considers Gordon an inferior being on the lines of a pet.

let’s make it an intelligent talking cat who hijacks the ship.  

I’d like “Get that cat out of here!” to become the catch phrase for next season.

John’s ultimate explanation about his reluctance to demonstrate his intelligence as a consequence of growing up on a colony full of blue collar-types with little patience for brainy people was interesting, but also a bit unsatisfying as a one-paragraph synopsis for an entire lifetime of self-muting behavior.