Which is why it is idiotic to pass it off as a “fun fact” on the website that broke that story in the first place.
Which is why it is idiotic to pass it off as a “fun fact” on the website that broke that story in the first place.
The Rustlers is such a fantastic name. Next step would be to acquire Jimmy Nelson, Jimmy Rollins, and any other Jimmy they can rustle up.
On a blood-related note, Dan Devine is brother of Kevin Devine, who is an accomplished musician and wrote this badass song about Dan:
It was also his first full season ever, and his pre/post All Star splits (.873/.697 OPS) suggest he just got tired. He was almost 30/30 (28/28), and as you mentioned, he is only 25. He was an All Star, and not even the type that is a team’s lone representative - he was a legitimate All Star. You said Myers being good…
Like, last year and this year? He was pretty good his rookie year before he kept getting injured. Now he’s really, really good. But I guess I wouldn’t expect anyone to pay attention to Padres baseball.
This has got to be one of the lamest comments I’ve ever read on any medium ever.
How you went from “Puig might be good again” to “Deadspin sucks because they said Puig will be MVP” is beyond comprehension.
Syria = Ciara
Funny thing is, the very first answer in the episode was, I shit you not, Warriors related. Unless you already knew that and it was the inspiration for your joke.
That was dumb.
There’s a difference between voluntarily putting yourself in danger (spectator at the running of the bulls or a motocross event), and just minding your business driving on the freeway when all of the sudden you notice a motorcycle flying over you and have a heart attack. Or him coming up short on the freeway jump and…
What about the risk of scaring the shit out of a driver by flying over them in a motorcycle?
I would love it someone could do this on those “patented” 5.5 hole jump throw plays. Or on that play where he caught the ball in fair territory but then kept running and somehow ended up in the stands.
Saric is good and going to be super good. Not butt. Very firm, tight upper torso area. Maybe tits. Yes, he’s the tits.
25 pick won’t be enough to get him. They’d have to give up their whole draft.
Isn’t that the Gaelic pronunciation?
I think it may be in need of one more correction, just fyi. I can’t watch the video, but was Margot, a CF, really the one that scrambled to get the wild pitch?
I’m not saying the article is shit, but those two mistakes kind of peel the mask off a writer that clearly is charading as a knowledgeable baseball person. Both Bethancourt and Margot either were or are top rated prospects, and I would expect most baseball writers to at least have a cursory knowledge of who they are.
Avoid double switches and avoid overusing relievers. Imagine it is late in an important game (hahaha none of the Padres games this year will be important), it’s close, and the opposing team’s first three batters in the inning are R-L-R. He can pitch to the righty, then move to Left Field to accommodate a lefty facing…