
Two of these things are not like the others...

Funny you say that when LeBron clearly set an illegal screen here...

Not to be a charge truther, but can it be a charge if you are out of bounds? Because the VCU player definitely had a foot out of bounds.

I don’t want a subscription to their shitty magazine. I was saying a lot of his writing will be behind the Insider paywall, and I don’t want to pay that, and in turn get automatically subscribed to their shitty magazine.

Can’t wait to have to pay and automatically be subscribed to their godawful magazine just to read Woj’s stuff.

Poop in the top tank. Really, there’s no better prank.

What about the misuse of “it’s?”

It’s a bad take that I can understand why he didn’t make it? If it was up to me, I would have put him on the team. But when there are other deserving guys who have played hundreds more minutes, then yeah, it makes some sense.

Rising Stars, yes. But no rising poles.

Can’t tell if serious or just circlejerking, but Embiid’s only played in like 2/3 of his teams games and averages only 25 minutes a game. Dude is dominant, but it’s totally justified that he didn’t make it.

+1 Whistling Vortex Football

Drugs? Are you being serious right now? Drugs. Who gives a shit?

Sounds like he’s pre-emptively making excuses for if/when they don’t win it this year?

If you took off his cleat you would see the heads growing off his feet.

*Isiah Thomas

No, not if you’re a republican. But specifically, if you voted for Trump, you are supporting an immigrant hating, racist, sexist, bigoted blob of saggy orange skin. And that in itself is bad enough.

But the lower the IQ, the more difficult it is. It’s starting to become apparent that Tom is pretty empty up there, besides, you know, “durrr football!”

I think hes already earned it, and anyone who thought AB had it before was wrong. A healthy Julio is better than any WR playing.

“Potential top QB.” There was incentive for Prescott to play to increase his draft stock. There is no incentive for Watson to play. His body of work and his upcoming workouts will determine whether he is the top QB taken.

Seriously? You cant comprehend how a guy averaging a triple double would feel snubbed by not being named a starter?