
And then Young will start talking and it sounds like he's trying to unscramble his thoughts as he's delivering them. Dude suffered a few too many concussions, methinks.

My suits just came from the last deal you guys ran, and they are spectacular. Gonna look all like Gosling and shit, which is an upgrade from what I previously looked like: gosling shit.

My suits just came from the last deal you guys ran, and they are spectacular. Gonna look all like Gosling and shit,

Fun article idea: A "where are they now?" for all the rappers who have ever been considered "The Next Tupac."

Remember when 50 Cent was the next Tupac? And then remember when The Game was the next Tupac. People are funny sometimes.

I guess he should have put a "but" in between them?

As long as his step dad isn't a woman, then I have no problem with that.

The lack of spectator reaction is a bit disheartening.

Well maybe YOU, Mrs. Bob Lob Law, should have your husband do something about it!

There is a hint! I’m gonna spell it out for you, because fuck it, you didn’t get the joke. If futbol = soccer, then futsal = socser. Now you can laugh with the rest of us.


Laughable if anyone actually considers the Celtics championship contenders. If they get Westbrook or Griffin, then maybe or still no, respectively.

I only care about Michael Phelps because he had sex with a transsexual and good for him.

The biggest piece of bullshit he spewed last night was when he said he said “I chose to stay close to my family.” No, the NFL chewed you up and spit you out. You’d be doing the exact same thing Aaron is doing if you had the talent.

Frontrunner. He probably just put that Portugal jersey on too.

But that WAS a Magic Johnson no look pass. Start the pass, and then look away.

This post is suspiciously Bill Simmonsy.

Yeah but is Joe Flacco overrated?

Hey guys, one of these scandals is a full blown orgy. And, it was caught on video so we all got to see. Did this not improve your lives?