
I thought Fisters were supposed to have their holes destroyed, not their balls.

Not to be a highlight truther, but I’m about to truth the shit out of this highlight. That dinger went a whole 389 feet.

Whatever, bro. I used to make Willie Mays catches all the time in little league. They didn't call me "Lil' Willie" for nothing. Don't cheapen my accomplishments.

That’s...not how plagiarism works.

Yeah, this is the opposite of "limited camera appeal." This is a goldmine.

If you didn’t notice, the distances used in the article also didn’t match the distances used in the infographics. Makes one wonder, maybe there’s somewhere else where they’re getting more accurate stats?

Dude just got Rovell'd.

Misread! Carry on, good man.

“Succulent" is an odd way to describe good cornbread.

I dislike Dwight Howard because there is circumstantial evidence that he is into underage girls. But that's just me.

Yes, I've already used this joke ("joke") today. This is because it needs to catch on. Gone are the days when someone's ankles got broke. It is 2016. Hansborough got Rovell'd.

Curry made Hansborough look like Darren Rovell.

Jesus. He made Patty Mills look like Darren Rovell.

Draymond's reaction is great too.

This is like, a weird battle to pick.

Isn't Ray the pro, here? Hernandez is the one who got caught.

I actually think this is a great thing for sports and sports rivalries. I mean, Dwyane (goddammit why is it spelled that way?) Wade pissed off an entire nation, and then blamed the timekeeper for his inability to stop shooting when the anthem started. Amazing stuff, truly.

Lotta racists in that crowd.

What is adequateman, even? Because it shouldn't be Tevas and Kanye clothes, just by name.

I know he's going for Tupac with that bandana, but all I'm seeing is a more feminine Rosie the Riveter.