Buzz Kerman

When my VW came off its 3-year free service period I thought I'd give the dealer one chance at servicing the car on my dime before I shopped around. So I called the service department, told them exactly what car I had (a Golf TDI) and asked what was involved in 40,000 mile service. The service rep told me that I would

Am imagining you waking up each Tuesday morning, looking at your calendar, and musing aloud, "It is a good day to die." Which would probably get pretty old pretty fast for whoever you wake up with, unless you happen to be married to a Klingon.

KSP will be doing a lot of this already with the introduction in v1.0 of Valentina Kerman as an "orange suit" astronaut (along with an infinte number of procedurally generated/expendable female kerbonauts) She's clearly female but not sexualized, and has exactly the same skillset as the boys. It doesn't matter that

Some protection against fists and blades is better than no protection at all, and an expert fighter wearing such a suit with fists and blades of his ownwould not be someone I'd want to tangle with. As for bullets, hey, he doesn't have to armor the whole thing—just put a nice yellow target on his chest and armor that: