
I’m getting a Julia Stiles vibe...

Forget Taylor Swift why is there a mustachioed ghost at the end of her table?!?!


That’s Rita Ora.

Dude, player can’t even strike when their money is on the line. I don’t expect them to strike, but it would be nice to see every black player in the league take a knee during the anthem, until Kaepernick is signed. Won’t hold my breath.

Yes I’m aware, I work in that business which is why I recognize this as a very specific issue within that business.

Of course it’s much bigger than that-that’s why this jackass felt comfortable enough to tell a 15 YEAR OLD GIRL that he didn’t want to date her AT WORK because she was too fat like this was a normal thing to do.

She’s too big for him?

why are you reading it?

It’s nice to know visiting the Apple store is as exhausting for other people also. I went to mine a few months ago after my iPhone abruptly stopped working and while I had an appointment with a genius, I was still told to sit in the waiting area where the seating looked like crates that had washed ashore after a ship

Forget what she’s doing. There’s plenty of room on the jogger’s left (I assume they keep left there even on sidewalks, like animals). It’s not even like he just kept going straight and ran into her. He took two or three steps to the right specifically to shove her.

I think he’s just been hiding who his “type” is for a long time. Lots of men do that. They marry or date skinny chicks, then have their meat and potatoes on the side. And the fat-shamers who came after this woman only prove to him and others that fat women are to be kept hidden, that they are not partner-worthy. It’s

This is the absolute truth. I’ve dated a few pretty short/small men in the past (who all at least once expressed that part of what they liked about me is how small I am) and the only thing actually wrong with them is how their fragile masculinity makes them act out.

Oh, boom. There it is, then.

Beautifully written, Sis. And, as my sister’s namesake, I’ll guard my words but leave you this: The interwebs were blessed tonight when your blown up photo above. That photo of you has life, girl! You show it, own it, bask it in, and flaunt it from that historical ‘fro to all other points between. Bravo! (I won’t

I don’t get why it bothers people so much. Most people are out of shape themselves.

When I first read that sentence, I was like, “Ouch.”

LOL. I’m glad you like the herpes sore comment. I meant it. In the most horrible way possible.

Hey, girl! You awesome. Just letting you know about something that you already know.

Legitimately, there’s nothing more boring than fat-shaming. It’s hilarious to me that people who lecture fat people or make fat jokes actually think they’re worth listening to. No one who matters will give you attention, and you’ll have to scrape the bottom of society for the validation you seem to be seeking in your