
Ugh. Also, did I see that right? Does AT&T have something to do with this movie?

To a teenager with little to no disposable income, cd comps were a godsend. I could hear whatever band du jour was hot that month without having to outlay $8-$15 on a whole cd. Yes the Punk-O-Rama /Fat / Victory Style comps were the big names but I would have never discovered some of my favorite bands without Recess

See, a divorce there wouldn't surprise me because she seems cool as shit but he seems unstable and prone to physical violence if the interviews I've read with him are any indication.

"eggplant emoji"

would you settle for an interracial child orgy?

"No bear / wolf / cat monster with a satellite dish jammed in its head, no way this movie is earning that sweet, sweet bread!"

I'm amazed wrestling coverage lasted this long on the AV Club. And got main page billing as well!!?? Hell, I remember a time not too long ago when wrestling wasn't allowed anywhere near the AVC, and metal and punk were ghettoed to the 'Loud' column. How far we've come. Salute.

Love, love, love this video. Finally, some serious investigative journalism.

This movie somehow keeps looking worse and worse with every new trailer, poster, etc.

"The work sounds terrible, but I’m still comforted that it exists."

It definitely perpetrated the "caring about anything is stupid" mindset, and though they claim to be "fearless" the creators have always backed down just shy of taking an actual stance on anything (except, you know, "caring about anything is stupid") which is the biggest form of cowardice if you ask me.

That's the other thing: they assembled an incredibly talented and likable cast for this series and gave them horseshit to work with. Only Billy Eichner worked playing against type. But, yes, imagine Sam and Ethan carrying on a 20 year affair while having to actually take care of her kids! Like drive them to soccer

For me, this show felt like it was conceived, written, and shot inside a writer's room somewhere in the bowels of Hollywood. What could have been an interesting, relatable concept is crushed under the standard go-to's of all the characters having ivy league educations, impossibly glamorous jobs from which they can

The second season will friend you on LinkedIn several years later and Season four will ask to crash on your couch while in town on business

I watched the whole series passively and thought it was "whatever." But now, reading these reviews, I fucking hate this show.

Was that Moby playing the friend who had the "incident?"

I had a "if it smells like fish, eat it" sticker on my bedroom door throughout most of my childhood. Only just realized what it meant like three years ago.

SoundCloud always seemed like a crappy Bandcamp to me? I don't know why it's the more favored platform?