
To first play with a group of similar newbs and have the person with the best grasp be the DM. I also know everyone has different play styles (for instance, my out of state friends LOVE numbers and are really big on rules and stats and looking up all the tables for every little move ((which is why I never wanted to

Ha! I was told the complete opposite and after my one journey to my local game store, I agree. I was told it's more fun / wayyy less judge-y to learn with friends and then maybe venture out to more experienced groups as, apparently, even DM's for novice games assume you have some system knowledge and that you can

I posted on here before how I (in my late 30's) would like to start playing but am still having a tough time getting some friends together to give it a whirl. I was also advised NOT to start with D&D as even though the 5th edition is probably the game at it's most playable, it's still a mess in many parts and also, I

(me first hearing Korn): What the fuck?! Is my walkman breaking? Why didn't the studio engineer oil the kick drum pedal? Does someone play the telegraph in this band?

If that's the case, I eagerly await this follow up to the autobiography by Korn's Fieldy Snuts' where he discussed getting so high on weed once he blacked out only to wake up finding himself choking his wife.

“I’ve had a little pushback, but only from people who masturbate to Lee Greenwood songs,”

They're going to surprise everyone by calling the Picture Pages pen instead

Excellent forgotten cartoon character reference / avatar synergy

Because she did NOT take her top off, Vince became instantly infatuated with her ("Listen E, this girl is SPECIAL") and spent the rest of the episode creepily stalking her until she finally relented to go out with him. Then they bang and she is never seen again. This exact plot line happened no fewer than five times

18 bands is a festival these days? Back in my day we considered that a poorly planned out basement show or Tuesday night at CBGB's!

Considering this is the Donald Glover project I like the least (and, yes, I'm including The Lazarus Effect in that list), I'm totally fine with this news.

His new nom de rap will be Danny Glover and his first album will be a cover of Ice Cube's The Predator.

Oh! My mistake. I thought you were defenders of freedom not inbred, racist, white power, gun nuts? My mistake. Carry on. Or, don't actually.

Hey, militia members! Look, the government is turning against its people! Now's your time, right? This is what you've been hoarding all those weapons for, right? Hello? Anyone?

Will it play in China?

Like Ghostbusters 2016 money?

I actually have to attend an out of state wedding this weekend so the only corporations getting my money will be Shell and , most likely knowing the groom, Anheuser-Busch.

So, will the box office failure of The Mummy reboot stop all of this horse hockey? If so, consider me a hero for staying home this weekend.

Thank you for that info

Perhaps someone here who has more experience in the field of PTSD than I can answer: is it healthy to bring these victims back to (or near to) the bombing site so soon? I know everyone wants to rally and prove resilience in the face of danger, but I have to wonder about the long term effects? I base a lot of this on