
Most were white and middle to upper middle class. I have a feeling they'll be fine.

I was going to say that a lot of Francesca's behavior could be chalked up to cultural differences, as I know a few European women and their vibe is more forward, flirty and touchy than American women because that's just how it is over there, but then in the last episodes when she's ragging on him for wanting to go

I mean, his looks and his voice were what made his Tom Haverford character so successful. Would you excuse any of his behavior or find it laughably inoffensive if he looked like Idris Elba? I agree that Aziz's character on MON represented not only a safe bet, but also the closest male friend in her life aside from her

Get you somebody who can do both

Not to brag, but I'm fairly certain that the body type of most commenters here, myself included, could be described as very "Wareheim-ish"

If that's the case then the sexual tension from being amongst AV Club commenters must be unbearable!?

I was really disappointed by this season. Everything from the storylines to the acting felt like it took a major step backwards. It was like watching a lobotomized retread of season 1. The show went from somewhat relatable to an almost low rent Entourage. I'm glad Aziz got comped loads of free meals for his efforts,

And a million people in bands just nicknamed themselves "El Convfefe"

Sure. But the joke was something like "she was a woman trapped inside a man then transitioned back when she discovered she was really a man trapped inside a woman" or something like that which, if you ask me, makes it seem like something you can do on a whim at Sears. Not a life-altering decision.

I didn't mean to be condescending to Lurker, but the "I know so and so who is X and was not offended so therefore it's okay to joke about X" argument is such a baffling defense I had to continue the absurdity.

Phew! As long as your trans fiancee says it's cool. Green light, guys!

There's an amazing one where he goes to an abandoned resort in the Poconos and while filming in one room, a fucking door eerily opens like in a horror movie and that crazy bastard walks right in. Balls of steel that guy has!

Give him a Where's Waldo book! That'll knock out the next 4 years easy!

His home planet needs him

Meh, same old story. A normal dude who after getting some buzz for his acting ability, turns into a colossal prick that his PR agents pass off as "intense method acting." Everyone liked Shia Labeouf at first too.

I had a ROTJ pillow case and picture book years before I ever saw the movie. I don't think I saw Star wars until I was like 10 (1990) and it aired on the WPIX Saturday Afternoon Movie?

It's weird that I know this but his agent is James "babydoll" Nixon who is a pretty big deal in Hollywood.

This all scans with everyone's assumed Adam Carolla reality. Thank you for the confirmation.

This could be really good. TJ Miller dropped the "Erlich Bachman" character about two episodes in and has been playing "TJ MIller" for most of the series. I can do with less of him.

Huh? Ok. I thought the documentary ended with him touring with two bands. One that does more acoustic stuff and then the FF proper? With Pat Smear coming and going as he pleases? I got the impression it was still a revolving door thing. But I'll take your word for it (is it obvious I'm not a fan?) Maybe that was a one