
Hilariously called "forehead" in the movie by David Spade.

And I'm sure he hangs out exclusively with other older, white, male comics who continuously assure themselves that they're speaking truth to power because they're telling it "like it is" and all the other baby ears out there just need to "grow a pair."

Hey! I could never view Taco Bell as lame and stupid!

But didn't he also fire a guitarist who was a childhood friend for no real reason a few albums later? I guess the current incarnation where it's Grohl's band and everyone else is essentially hired hands for the tour / album is probably the best set-up because at least everyone knows where they stand.

It's because people still think "not being able to say something that will offend a certain sect of people" = "not being able to say anything! Total censorship! Prison camps! Wake up, sheeple!" Like it's purely 1:1. When the conversation needs to be "how can I develop my humor / attitudes / etc. in a way that's still

"Utopia U" reminds me of the beginning of Demolition Man and how we were supposed to view a world where everyone got along and the cops didn't carry weapons as lame and stupid. Siiiiigh.

After watching that documentary about them, Dave Grohl seems like a nightmare to be in a band with. The exact opposite of a laid back, chill dude. The balls on that guy to re-record the drums on this album after recruiting one of the best rhythm sections of the 90's (Diary still easily blows away any FF album). I'd

Fair point about good looking people.I assumed it was the writers being petty by making Ben's character suffer so much, but, he comes out the best at the end of the series and has the closest to what could technically be a "character arc."

I spent most of last month watching beta-tests for the Friday the 13th game. Tomorrow cannot get here soon enough.

Dax Shepard talked about CHIPS on WTF and said he basically wanted to make a crime movie with cool cars and the studio head was lukewarm until he said he could probably wrap that plot around a CHIPS reboot and that perked the guys' ears right up. I guess "hey! I remember that thing!" is enough to modestly boost a

I watch a lot of Let's Plays on Youtube though I have no interest in video games or owning a video game system. It's either because I like the rapport of the player or am interested in a particular facet of the specific game. I have other friends that have gradually admitted to watching them as well. At least I'm not

I have a female friend who considers the Trivago guy the apex of male sexuality. To quote her "imagine actually having to be that handsome?!"

Was anyone else uncomfortable about how quick Selina was with the racist quips about the Chinese leaders? And with Shawnee being called "horse faced?" This episode felt a lot meaner than previous ones this season.

Watched it again last night and, man, is there some good stuff waiting for you upon re-watch. "Black mold in the basement", "we left a piece of grandma in the kitchen", etc.

"Let Me Watch" could be and possibly is, one of the best songs ever written.

I am not! I can't wait to watch this again to look for all the shit I missed!

The brother was definitely some sort of metaphor about "white knighting" but I haven't figured it out yet.

I gotta watch this movie again soon. Look what happens when someone spends time working on the screenplay, Hollywood!!

Shit! No! What? Huh?!

Wouldn't the cops find the psychosexual surgery dungeon and be curious as to why a psychiatrist had a working hospital room with a bunch of two-way cameras in his basement?