
It would have been a direct homage to Night of the Living Dead (spolier for a 40 year old movie, I guess?), but the ending he chose worked so much better.

It took me a minute to figure out that Allison Williams' character didn't want the cop at the beginning to see Chris' ID because then he'd be able to place him once his family started looking for him. Clever girl.

I can't remember who said it, but there's a quote that goes something like "Cornell had a great baritone. I never understood why he switched to singing in such a high register but then I saw Soundgarden and the army of swooning women at his feet and it suddenly made sense."

My wife suggested that both Noel and Dawson were some of the earliest iterations of "fuckbois" on television. I concur.

The main draw for me was that I moved back to NY to attend school at the same time as Felicity first aired so I get hit with a wave of nostalgia when I see shots of 1998 NY or the show mentions bars and clubs that haven't existed in nearly twenty years at this point.

Yes sir! Also earning him the nickname "Simon Sex!"

JENNIFER GARNER as the future Ex- Mrs.Scott Foley

The Doritos girl as Noel's Spanish wife of three months!

I started watching this and Dawson's Creek ironically when they first aired. My friends and family would "ironically" buy me dvd's of their seasons as gifts but, over time, I had to admit I genuinely enjoyed these histrionic shows to the point where I have watched both series in their entirety at least four times.

I'm halfway through it and this season has taken a huge step back in almost every way from storylines to acting. It's like how Evil Dead 2 was a parody of Evil Dead, only Master of None season 2 is not really enjoyable.

We were both in our mid-twenties and bonded over our then love of fucked up movies. Unsurprisingly, neither relationship lasted.

Watched Salo with my then girlfriend and was already getting kinda queasy but then that maniac got hungry and started eating cottage cheese halfway through the movie. I had to leave the room.

Not that I'm aware of? I should also point out that he obviously wasn't a history professor either.

I'm no Linkin Park historian but I can unequivocally say: no. No they don't.

Sounds like their guitars are busted if that's the case?

To them, Hybrid Theory will always be just a memory of a time THEY TRIED SO HAAAAAARD!

Is this a good time to ask when he'll next be appearing on the Gethard show?

Yes, compared to like Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, The Once and Future King is Star Wars meets Fury Road meets Crank 2!

I remember a college professor of mine after the 2000 election debacle telling us " this is probably the most historically important thing that will happen in your lifetime.' Oh, were we ever that young?