Rob and Big and, oddly, American Chopper got me through my masters program and thesis. Real talk.
Rob and Big and, oddly, American Chopper got me through my masters program and thesis. Real talk.
Loved, loved, loved Rob and Big. Rob seemed / still seems like a try-hard cornball but they had great chemistry. I remember being confused by the show ending very abruptly and Fantasy Factory never had the same charm. Can we at least get a posthumous Chunky Boys single out of this? RIP. DO WORK!
Esther Zuckerman: "Hey boss, Bjork has some stuff coming out and did an interview with Pitchfork so I figured we can cover it? Check out what I wrote."
AVC Boss: "Ok. Well, you've got the basic information but, you do know we have a house style here so…"
Esther Zuckerman: More snarky, then? Make Bjork sound like an…
That's fair. You can also buy / make fitted jean shorts so as to avoid Kevin Smith / John Cena-ing if that's what you're concerned about?
Christ! Its like the world forgot about Baggies!…
NO! It's still too nice! I have to wait for it to at least develop a fine patina of forehead sweat along the outer perimeter before I do that!
I just got a new, very well-made baseball cap for my birthday and I'll be goddamned if that brim does not want to budge much. Maybe after some more heard wearing it will give way but it's not like the caps of yore where they were instantly foldable.
Where do those who wear ill-advised 'skinny cargo' pants and shorts fall on the spectrum of fuckability?
"Can we start the clock in a half hour? Actually, forty minutes? The girl I'm seeing likes to talk."
It's probably been mentioned already, but Conan spinning his wedding ring was one of the most inspired things he did on Late Night in years at that point.
Ha! Right?! Ever think there may be a time we'll be missing President Trump? Or will our memories have been removed by then so we can more efficiently mine petroleum for our overlord?
I knew Guantanamo was being kept open for a reason!
Trump was looking for a job and then he found a job. You know the rest.
(backboard shattering slam dunk sound effect)
"The white house was run by dummies with no-attention spans! I had to get out of there!"
Countdown to Trump making it a government agency ("the TRUTH department") in 3…2…
"you OWE IT TO ME to listen to this POETRY! Rodney King? BURGER KING! King kong? I THOUGHT YOU SAID, KING KONG BALLS. My mistake. Sincerely, AMERICA."
It's a modern day tragedy in that it tells the story of the man who got everything he wanted..all it cost him was his true love: The United Bodybuilding Federation
See, my mind first went there but google image search brought up no images of Sam looking like that?!