You mean every single run through the east that LeBron has made since 2010, where he has had literally zero quality teams to challenge him?
Give the man some credit. He still had to show up to get those wins.
You mean every single run through the east that LeBron has made since 2010, where he has had literally zero quality teams to challenge him?
Give the man some credit. He still had to show up to get those wins.
Something obsolete and full of hot air goes down in flames in Wisconsin? Sounds more like Hillary to me.
A frozen afterthought that was in the final 4 last year?
He’s from Highland Park in Dallas - his experience with gator tails has nothing to do with reptiles.
During the second leg he’ll be chillin on the sidelines with his skateboard doing huge ollies of hot bitches titties. Then even though he isn’t playing he’ll drill a fart so nasty that Monacos team just dies instantly.
Let’s see you drag Walton and Lanier up and down the court for 48 minutes
Wait, someone with the last name “Fartass” is a only 3-seed? The committee is corrupt.
“¯\_(ツ)_/¯ What are they gonna do about it now?”
That’s cute and all but he traveled.
Shoulda just punched girls instead.
Might they not correct those distortions by making mad bank while the index funds’ values implode?
This is a pretty big handwave away of the (apparently real) concerns about lack of competition that could come with over-indexing. I’m curious as to how you would address that, considering that the same small handful of large funds (Vanguard, Blackrock, State Street, etc.) already are the largest shareholders in many…
I think a stronger distinction needs to be made here between hedge funds (with fee structures of 2 and 20%) and traditional asset managers with fees in the 0.5% to 1% ish range (the overall trend is down due to passive). I’m all for pensions getting in on the passive game to a greater degree, but to suggest they go…
“Everyone” will never go into indexes so this is a moot point. Ideally a lot of the dumb money will go into indexes and active managers will increasingly have to show actual value in order to continue existing.
I hate the Lakers but man, they won five championships under Kupchak’s tenure (and went to another two finals), rebuilt post-Shaq in two years, probably should’ve gotten Chris Paul, managed to survive the “old Kobe” era relatively unscathed, and are in the process of bringing up a team of young guys who look like they…
I know for a factoid that some of these teams will be looking to outsource their backcourts to China or India.