Buzz Aldrin's Fists o' Fury

There have been people of color in all of those places. As hard as it may be to believe, there were actually people of color present in medieval Europe, Enlightenment Scotland and France, AND the Midwest in the 80s. The idea that it’s okay to depict those environments as entirely and exclusively white is offensive to

Bernie coughed first and it was much more authentic.

This is of course entertaining the notion that Ronaldo would pass a penalty to begin with...

All-Star Game highlight truther? Seriously?

Steph is our master, but the TNT directors made the right call here: Kobe being enthusiastic for a teammate scoring is much more newsworthy than Steph Curry making a half-court jumper.

“Most dives are fine.”

Ah yes, shall we just return to the mashed potato and twist to satisfy your generational needs?

You know I’m torn on this! As a woman and person of color it’s great for ME. I mean how nice will it be to just be handed a high paying writers gig without doing any work at all or having any talent, you know? I could call up a few late night shows and have a job tomorrow, no resume or writing samples required!

Quick PSA: If you don’t “get” this video, it’s because Beyonce didn’t make it for you. There’s nothing that says black culture needs to be distilled and broken down for the masses. Some things are just for us.

We all have opinions. Mine is that I don’t care about your wrong opinion.

The song is meh if you’re looking to something to belt in the car or dance along to.

It’s late and for a second I forgot context and thought “Chris Kluwe’s dad comments here?”.

I wish I could find a metaphor for how little Johnny Football changed before/after rehab...

This is just sad now. I’m sure there will be plenty of very clever comments, as I visit Deadspin for many reasons including the brilliantly acerbic wit of my fellow users. But this is now just darkness. I have in the past and continue to battle substance abuse, but never in my life have I ever struck another person.

Anita Alvarez is a garbage fire. When DNA evidence in one case proved that someone other than the juveniles in prison had raped and murdered a victim, she actually claimed, with a straight face, that it was possible the juveniles could have raped and murdered the victim, left no DNA, and then the man whose semen was

that font beat comic sans 105-108

Wait - did someone actually find a font WORSE than Comic Sans?

No joke can go over your head. Your reflexes are too fast. You would jump up and catch it.

Can’t slip anything past you.