Would you consider giving the Hand of Thrawn Duology books a review. It seemed like the Return of the Jedi of EU books with a mix of both good and bad. I’d be interested in reading your thoughts on it.
Would you consider giving the Hand of Thrawn Duology books a review. It seemed like the Return of the Jedi of EU books with a mix of both good and bad. I’d be interested in reading your thoughts on it.
First let me say I love the review and Darksaber was bad but it so bad it was hilarious. You had Pelleaon joining Daala because of her reputation, even though she had none. You had the 1 Armed Wampa from ESB and you had Kyp,mass genocide, Durron (but he’s a good guy so it’s ok) too boot and his Redshirt side kick, I…