
God, this is painful to watch. (Your writing, not the video.)

Sued by DOJ for refusing to rent to black people, ultimately settling the case (despite “never settling”), then sued and settles again for failing to live up to original settlement.

Is she related to Colonel Sanders? Cause she knows how to cook up half baked shit in a bucket and serve it to the American people.

I don’t like to think of it as lazy. It just likes to go its own direction.

I live my life by one simple rule: if Sarah Huckabee Sanders wouldn’t agree with something I have done, I made the right choice.

What a lazy joke.

While she’s entitled to her opinion, it’s safe to say I don’t see eye to eyes with Miss Sanders.

There’s also a lot of scholarships that are given to less connected, poor but exceptional students to go to Ivy league schools.

We must pretend we have a meritocracy or else discussions about taxes, social programs, etc. would hinge on their effectiveness, not some vague moral argument about who “earned” it.

How did you let “Bayern” slip in your pedantic radar when that, too, is German?

I hope he runs and hides in the MLS just like me.

If you ever wondered what Oceans would be like without the insufferable George Clooney and in Charlotte instead of Vegas, you should check it out.

I enjoyed it. I thought it was like if the Coen Brothers directed Ocean’s Eleven. It’s not life altering but it’s a fun movie.

“What kind of club do Arsenal want to be?”

Protect fighters from themselves (and the other guy. Mainly the other guy)

doesn’t fit “the narrative.”

It’s funny how many pop-culture obsessed political media types conveniently forgot/ignored that it was a Game of Thrones reference.

It was a Game of Thrones reference to establishment liberal pricks that includes everyone in the center you moron

keep fucking that chicken friend