You may be the first automotive journalist in history to imply that the Plymouth Prowler is somehow a “Supercar”.
I think I would have used the picture of the Lamborghini in the header of the article.
You may be the first automotive journalist in history to imply that the Plymouth Prowler is somehow a “Supercar”.
I think I would have used the picture of the Lamborghini in the header of the article.
BuT maH FreDDUmmbssS!!
My god this is dumb.
I heard that cars of this model built in late spring tend to have defects.
I got through the first minute and a half and and without insane engine sounds…. It’s not exciting. At all.
Code Brown, we have a Code Brown. STAT.
Ran when docked. We know what we’ve got !
Being declared a vexatious litigant is now my goal.
Thank you for not making this a slide show. My god do I hate slide shows. I deliberately read this article- even though it only slightly piqued my curiosity- specifically because it was NOT a slide show. The appreciation is real. The hate is strong.
Is your son Hagrid, gamekeeper and keeper of keys at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry?
More likely they’ll give her the oldest piece of crap they have since she’s obviously a risk for destroying government property.
Hard to lobby when all the bridges to DC have collapsed.
Time for a GRMN retro Tercel 4wd Wagon to compare!
I think we should all chip in and buy this property for David Tracy to store his Jeep collection and start a museum.
Pity they had to shorten that Caddy to fit that build.
It's like 50s GM and 70s GM at the same time.
To be fair, not every light on the BMW’s dash is illuminated.
Pure coincidence. Southern crackers tie all their knots like this out of habit.