
Adding comment simply because I  can finally use my username, took 10 years but I made it ma, I made it!

Wasn’t this Nice Price or Crack Pipe??? I won’t participate until it comes back, jeesh

The people who fought the Civil War might argue with you on that one statement. But most people would say, it had to get to THAT point before someone finally stood up and didn’t sit back down....but then after they sort of half stood, sat when it was convenient. Cause standing up for something sure is hard on your

Volvo released their 3 point seat belt design to the world, so I don’t see how this is any different. I would agree with, why them why now, don’t sign anything, wear sunscreen. I disagree with the naming though...which should f course be handled in the traditional jalop ways, with a poll and the lure of proper COTD

As a car audio enthusiast and a guy that worked in the industry, all I can say is this is a complete waste of time for everyone except the shop...who just got some great free PR. Now they can start selling these as kits to millenials with more money than sense.

Where to  begin....after I get the vomit out of my mouth. No. All those custom boxes are a huge waste of space. I don’t need a wood box with sliding drawers to hold 2 forks and a cup, I’ll pack my own picnic thank you very much. The snorkel is handy though for getting my soda right into the cabin at the drive through,

No surprise that this happened to the Williams team.  They seem to collect mishaps like Lewis Hamilton collects wins. If something is bound to go wrong Williams always seems to be on the receiving end.

Most...yes...but Jalponik’s aren’t usually interested in the opinions of people who can’t tell the difference. Now, bring Chris Harris to a blink test drive along with Jason Plato and Tiff Needell and then we’ll have some opinions that matter.

You sure about the torsion beam rear? If it has this kind of power the aftermarket is going to fix that pretty quickly...costly but can be done.

Every transmission has a clutch by the way...not all have 3 pedals on the floor

Make it a 1.5 liter V6 and shove it in everything

“The AWD turbocharged 3-cylinder GR Yaris looks like too much damn fun.”
There fixed it for you and you’re not wrong  

Just goes to prove that my grandad was right. He always said that every Alaskan town should have one David Tracy available at all times, preferably not liquored up. Drunk David Tracy is a sight to see, that time he tried to get a polar bear to lift up a jeep to replace a shock was impressive. Didn’t think he could do

It’s not usually one thing but the pressure of the situation puts more strain on an inadequate strategy.  CEO’s are performance roles, you don’t perform they get someone who will. Buck stops here and all.

Are rental car companies hurting, yes? Is Hertz unloading the ship before it sinks, yes. However, the play here is that Hertz wants a bailout and the faster they accelerate that the better their position will be to ask for funds (ala Ford). Most Enterprise size businesses have assets, cash, workforce reduction, and

Tiny ugly duckling on the outside, super reliable easy on gas built well and entertaining on downhill twisties (yes, really), cheap to own, insurance, and run. Inside is more useable than my volvo...which is somehow 15 foot long but can’t eat a foosball table that that the Honda swallowed whole with 2 seconds of magic

Motorcycle vs passenger car...sorry not impressed here. Apples to Apples comparisons are necessary here to make it a conversation piece, otherwise it is just two dudes who happen to line up across from each other on the same night. How’s it compare against other motorcycles that would be cross shopped would be more

Flying cars, yep lets just add autonomous technology with a car that flies and let the fun begin

Saturated....don’t know about your neck of the woods but Aquavelva is our new office hand cleaner, we don’t dare saturate anything with it...well except Sharon and her pictures of 40 cats that she keeps shoving in my face. Come on Sharon!!! Everyone knows you’re trying to replace the emptyness in your heart with cats,

Remind me not to click on links from guys named Dave. Highly unlikely that it is a precision weapon part since we all know Land Cruisers were launched from oversized slingshots from mountain tops.